Alien Quartz Properties and Meaning – Alien Quartz Crystals are double terminated quartz crystals that have a single point termination at one end, and a multi-pointed termination at the opposite end. Read more about Alien Quartz healing properties information and view the photo galleries down below.
General Alien Quartz Crystal Healing Information
For what and How Does One Use it?
Alien Quartz crystals are the multi-threaders of the crystal World. Being Double Terminated – they work in full duplex mode (simultaneously in both directions). That is to say they can receive multiple threads of information in the multi-terminated end, then weave the threads into a single thread of information. The crystal then projects that information out through the single termination. Having the crystal weave the light threads into a cohesive, indexed format enables one to receive and better understand complex concepts and principles.
Alien Quartz Crystals can also project a single program in multiple formats, over multiple channels. They do this by receiving the program in the single terminated end, then multiplexing (splitting into separate threads) and projecting the program out through the multi-terminated end.
Both the processes described above may be initiated through the use of “Conscious Intent”.
In addition to the above properties, Alien Quartz crystals do everything a standard Double Terminated Quartz Crystal does.
is there anything else I can add to the crystals to make it more easier to absorb the info? WOuld taping another crystal of the same type together as a double wand do the trick? How about if I tape either a lemurian seed crystal with the alien crystal? Or tape a lemurian light crystal with it? Or tape all(2 of the alien + 1 lemurian seed+1lemurian light crystal) would that make it easier to download all the info from the books? BTW I heard or read in judy halls book that you activate the crystal first before the intention? I did not know that. What does that do and why do I do it? Whats it purpose? WHere do I fond more info on it.Can the crystal also send and receive it to me(al the info) I think thats the same as upload from chakras and download from chakras. Yes BTW I love this subject on crystals.
Greetings Damien, thank you for your thoughtful and very interesting questions!
My experience is the most effective way for one to make it easier to absorb the information from the crystal is to work on your own personal state, the more calm and receptive you are, the better the outcome will be.
It depends on the individual, but listening to music that enhances your emotions, or having a relaxing bath while holding them, or both combined would enhance your receptiveness. Taping crystals together would definitely have an effect. You would receive information that is contained within each individual crystal, and you would also receive extra information that would be generated by the combination of these crystals when placed together would provide.
Basically, if you can think of a new or different way to interact with crystals, it will work! This is because crystals are the most flexible partners imaginable when it comes to energy integration with humans.
For me, just thinking about, seeing or holding a crystal automatically activates it in terms with setting up a relationship with that specific crystal. It comes back to the crystals freely interacting with us in any conceivable way we can dream up! This is why working with ones intuition such as you are is really beneficial as each crystal and each human is unique, thus each interface will be unique. Being open and flexible will always produce the best crystal interface possible at any given time. That is to say one interface method (such as holding the crystal) may work best one day, but the next day if you feel to use a different method such as laying the crystal elsewhere on your body will be the most effective way at that exact point in time – as universal circumstances may of changed since the day before.
Thank you again for your great question, and my apologies for the late reply.
how can i use them for absorbing the info from a book and uploading that info to me? Can I ask it to show and teach me advance ways of studying(along with lemurian seed crystals?)
You can hold the crystal, or have it near you when you read the book – it will help infuse the information within you much better for later recall. You can also lay the crystal on the book after you have read it. Using the same methods using a Lemurian will also work well.
I tend to subvocalize when reading and after reading a while just slow down alot. Is there a way to either bypass using the crystal so I dont have to read just have the info infused in me or is there a much faster way to get through the reading. I want to use the crystals and gems for advance ways of learning instead of the ole pickity way of reading taught in school. Can I program the intention for the crystal to do that? Can these alien crystals and lemurian (and any others you know of) be asked what advance healing modalities and learning abilities that were used back then can be used now and if they can teach me? Will it be crystal clear(pun sorry could not resist)
What about vogel wands can they be used for the same advance useage for healing and learning(vogel 144 if afordable or any others around)
What you are proposing is entirely possible. I can really only comment for myself. It would take me a lot of work within myself to be able to interpret, index and extract the relevant information I need at any given time from the data stream coming from the crystal.
Tapping into other healing modalities used in the past, or even from other realities would be a lot easier. As you mention, infuse your intention with the crystal, and you will receive the information at the sub conscious level for sure, and with work, the conscious level too.
I do not have a lot of personal experience with vogel crystals, though I have no doubt they could be used. Any Quartz crystal can do it, some are just more suited than others for the job.
whats better for manifesting and using a clear crystal quartz to sit on top of my school books, absorb all the info, knowledge and experience, and send it to my brain in a way I understand it(think thunderbirds tv puppet show or johnny quest from the 60s). Would an alien quartz work better than DOW quartz? What is the most powerful wand out there (Is it crystal, selenite, or laser or other) so I can glue the gemstones I use for studying(there is a lot) onto the wand and amplify it so when I use it for studying I get a wow effect I can really feel this and see the effects. Can I program all the rocks to be 1000x more potent? Whats the difference between programming a crystal and instructons to a crystal?
Phew and thanks. THre are tons more questions sorry.
doees anyone have the answer
The best quartz crystal to use is the one that attracts you to it the most as pretty much all quartz crystals have the ability you mention.
I’m not sure about putting a crystal on a book and absorbing the information. I’m not saying it cannot be done either, but it is not something I personally have had the inclination to try. My intuition says that a record keeper crystal would be the one to use. The way I feel it would work is it would be able to link into all the peoples thoughts and understanding vibrations that were produced when they read that book (not just that edition at that library, but all editions of that book wherever it is found). As the Akashic layer around the planet has kept these thoughts in the atmosphere, a record keeper crystal would help you to connect with these thoughts and understandings others experienced whilst reading said book. I would ask the record keeper crystal to seek the highest and most purest understanding of the book and convey that information back to you. Even if that is at the subconscious level, as I find the subconscious level comes into play when you need it most (say at exam time).
In regards to your wand question, it is kind of a horses for courses thing in my experience. Different wands have different properties. With what you are describing, I would be going for a natural selenite wand, and use a silicon based glue to glue the other crystals onto it. The reason I would use selenite is because it is basically formed from thousands upon thousands of individual needles that have fiber optic properties. This would supply ample channels of light enabling you to use as many stones as you like, all will be able to use the full duplex nature of the selenites fiber optic properties to provide information/energy both in and out simultaneously.
I’m not sure if you can program crystals to be more powerful. The only experience I have with making them more powerful was on the recommendation of a friend that has been working with crystals for more than 60 years now. His suggestion was to get a natural selenite wand and place a large crystal at one end, and a smaller one of the same kind at the other and leave it overnight. The small crystal would take on the power of the larger one for about 36 hours. I tried it, and for me – it worked.
For me programming a crystal and sending instructions are one and the same.
Here are 3 links to science based articles that I feel may help you. I’m a firm believer that when it comes to crystals, today’s magic is tomorrow’s science.
(360 terabytes can hold around 360,000 streaming quality movies – in one crystal!)
Hope the above helps.
Part 2:
(Greetings again!)
I was also wondering if this little guy would be considered an alien crystal or not?
Thank you so much!
greetings again 🙂
If the bottom termination has more than one termination – then yes!
Greetings and blessings!
I've attached an image of a crystal that has multiple points coming out of both ends and I was wondering what you would classify this as [if not an alien]?
Thank you for any/all help and have a lovely day! =0)
Hi Angelina, Greetings and Blessings to you too! Alien Crystals are more about one single body with a single termination at one end, and a multi terminated at the other. This crystal is a multi bodied Double Terminated Crystal. So very, very special in itself! Similar energies for sure!
Ah-ha! Thank you so much for your help (on both of my babies)! I have so many crystals I've collected recently (I've become a little addicted ha-ha) and some of them are so unique and unusual and fun and just make me so happy when I'm having a rough day…and then my fascination with them brings me here to read about all of the different types and it's so exciting!
I don't want to spam your website but I have some others too that I'll eventually post questions about on other pages of yours here (if that's okay).
Have a beautiful NOW!
Greetings Angelina, thank you for your reply. My apologies for the late reply myself. I have been away from home for the last few days! Fire away and ask the questions you have on the other crystals, the information benefits everybody when shared. Thank You again!
I had an interesting experience. I have had a long period of interaction with extraterrestrials, many experiences which I can't go into in detail here. Suffice it to say that recently a blue gemstone appeared in my bedroom on my electric piano (I'm an amateur musician). It just appeared out of nowhere. I have fixed it to a neck chain I have. I had used such crystals as moldavite and flourapatite some time ago. I believe they've sent me this gemstone. It's pale blue, but its colouration is not quite like anything I can find on the internet. I've had mixed feelings about crystal related stuff, but this is an experience of an altogether different order. I know extraterrestrials are real. I've had many experiences over nearly fifty years of my life. I'm 56 and they started at age 7 when I first read a book on UFOs. What I would say to people reading this is be alert. Be mindful and you'll be surprised what you see. Stephen.
i have been searching everywhere for someone who knows a bit about this… it’s a really crazy story but basically? I have been thought to be one of those “psychic children” who for many years practiced my gift on the ouija board.. only by myself.. the powers weakened considereat for many years and I left it alone S my spouse was spooked but the whole thing.. recently we split up, and I went through what can only be described as a life changing 5 month long life apocalypse of the most violent relathionship. In utter desperation I consulted the board but this time was different…. there were no words used. The piece gravitated towards some crystals I had laying around. I picked up one thinking I’d see if that was something that was needed and .. the crystal moved in the most powerful fashion. It sped up to another where it.. absorbed its essence and went on to… this is nuts…endow knowledge, tasks and showed me things that I had no prior knowledge of. It clarified it all. It was in the crystals where I saw things. Like ships. Creatures. Outer space and galaxies. It moved (with my hand ) aling the carpet to hiding spots my abuser had hid my SIM card, valueables, cash, and the tools I needed to understand what had happened. If this had been one tome I’d chalk it up to.. madness. But it kept happening again and again. It became immediately clear that I hadn’t been communicating with spirits at all for my whole life … these were definitely aliens. Some humanoid some not near to Earth or even of out time. Although I see time differently now. It’s like they are with me and sooo far away. Some of them their technology for reaching me is weak. Some are strong. I saw one… a VERY strong presence. A green reptile that looked at first to be a monster but the crystal soul dshift just so here and there to clarify the signal? Broad faced… red eyes, familiar, like a father, but cold stare, like… not angry but hypnotic, focused, I could see the breathing the chest gently rising and falling… I felt this tingling and was made to feel like Don’t be afraid, yes this is the answer I am here with u… and then? My fear was decreased. I knew the creature felt little emotional attachment. Indifference, like a cat that has the mouse in his clutches and the mouse just goes calm, waiting for it to end… this sounds morbid I know but it showed me an essential truth. Of which as I learned more, was described in many things as a Reptilian overlord. That I was somehow entangled in this is most distressing but I wonder.. what is my role? Why was I shown this? Who are the others? Why are they helping? I’m just a grain of sand? And do u have any advise or books on which to learn more? Any one specialize in crystals, aliens, and inter dimensional travel? I’m reading up on psychic attacks, protection etc, and this person is now out of my life,,, I am keenly awakened to a sense of being… vulnerable to more of this in my life. I’m 41- I’m only half way done but I’m old enough not to get caught up in nonsense. I’m scientific minded so I like evidence based work as much as possible, am open to mysteries of course, for what we cannot explain is merely science we have not learned.. thanks in advance!
Hi Mitch,
Well the positive out of this experience is that you have learned the power of crystals and how they can be used to unluck universal information.
When using tools such as a ouiji board one needs to consider the possiblity of being deceived by benevolent spirits. It can open pathways that you may not know how to deal with, this is not saying dont use it, just use discernment Its also recomended to place programmes in place that will detect and cast away any deceivers while in this open state of being.
You ask what is your role? Some carry specific energy signatures and they just attract more attention! Just know your not alone. If you havent found a group of likeminded ppl yet you soon will. I dont know where you live but there are groups across the globe that are helpful.
Your thirst for knowledge will continue to grow, I would suggest some reading of the “Keys of
Enoch” to help understand the levels of univeral exsistance. They also have group gathers normally free and event gathers with the author that are held in different areas with guests from around the world.
“The Ozark Research Institution” hold two annual events a “Dowsing Conferance” and a “Power of Thought Conferance” They too have speakers that help ppl learn basic and advanced dowsing skills and how to heal or alter your reality with power of thought.
32nd “Ozark Mountain UFO Conference” This conferance is very popular and has been running for 32 years they bring speakers in from all over and is very informative.
All of these conferances have ppl that come from all over the united States and a few from abroad.
I hope you find this helpful
Where are these Alien Crystals found mostly and what type of Alien
Hi Kathy, these Alien configuration crystals can be found in most Quartz locations. They are not Alien race specific, more over a interface for us humans to communicate with any Alien species at all.
This kind of Crystal i hove but one crystal how mach price
Hi, there is a large one at this web address below…