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Silver Light Quartz Properties and Meaning

Silver Light Quartz Crystals are extremely clear and have an incredible high luster to them. It is this high luster that gives them their silver appearance. These crystals are found in Brazil, Colombia and Arkansas. Read more information and view photos showing Silver Light Crystals below.

General Self Healed Quartz Crystal Properties and Meaning Information

For what and How Does One Use it?

Silver Light Quartz runs at one of the highest vibrations of all the quartz based families. Meditating with these crystals raises ones consciousness and brings clarity and balance into all aspects of life. This crystal helps one access the Akashic records, increases clairvoyance and psychic abilities. This is a crystal of reflection – It helps one reflect upon “relevant” lessons from past lives, and help to apply them to this life in a balanced light filled manner. Silver Light Quartz helps us seek and attain purity of thought, emotions and desires. These special crystals are masterful co-creators and are extremely willing partners for crystal programming, manifestation and conscious intent syles of work.

Silver Light Quartz forms in all sorts of Quartz Configurations – Laser Wands, Tabular, Clusters and many more. These Silver Light varieties may be considered as being the master crystals for their archetype. This crystal family inspires one to work with a strong sense of nobility and perform a great variety of selfless acts for the betterment of all.

Used in elixir form, Silver Light Quartz crystals assist in detoxification of the physical body. It amplifies all other elixirs it is used in conjunction with. This elixir raises consciousness to the highest possible elevation, helping one cut through the clutter of modern life, enabling one to focus on assisting the human race to raise and expand the general consciousness pool.


Silver Light Quartz crystals are quite rare. They are not always called Silver Light Quartz, so one needs to stay open and seek with pure hearts when searching for these special crystals.

The photo galleries below show Silver Light Quartz in several different styles. These photos are harvested from the archives which contain more than 100,000 photos going back more than 15 years!



Silver Light Quartz Properties and Meaning Page Video

Silver Light Quartz Galleries


Silver Light Quartz Properties and Meaning Example Photo 1

Silver Light Quartz Crystal


Silver Light Quartz Properties and Meaning

Silver Light Tabular Quartz Crystal


Silver Light Quartz Properties and Meaning

Silver Light Quartz Crystal


Silver Light Quartz Properties and Meaning

Silver Light Quartz Tabular Crystal


Silver Light Quartz Properties and Meaning

Silver Light Quartz Crystal


Silver Light Quartz Properties and Meaning

Silver Light Quartz Crystal


Silver Light Quartz Properties and Meaning

Silver Light Clear Quartz Crystal


Silver Light Quartz Properties and Meaning

Silver Light Window Quartz Crystal

Click on the Silver Light Quartz photo for a high resolution image!

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