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Tabular Quartz Properties and Meaning

Tabular Quartz Crystals are at least twice as wide as they are deep. Usually they are Clear Quartz Crystals, but can also be found in Citrine Quartz and Smoky Quartz. Read more about Tabular Quartz healing properties and photos below.

Intuitive Healing – Spiritual Trigger Words & Phrases For Tabular Quartz

Here at, We like to fully encourage people to use their intuition when it comes to crystals! We believe that every individual is unique, so too is every crystal, thus a unique experience will always occur! Read More
Helping Hand

Tabular Quartz Crystal Healing & Properties Information

For what and How Does One Use it?

Tabular Quartz Crystals are the “Communicators.” These crystals are willing helpers in facilitating clear and helpful information between two people who may be having communication issues. Place the crystal between the two parties involved to facilitate a greater depth of understanding and empathy for all concerned. They are joyful, playful crystals that can really activate one’s funny bone! It is amazing how seemingly unpalatable information can be delivered when wrapped up in humor! Balance and harmony are this crystal’s forte.

Tabular crystals can be used to charge and clear smaller crystals by placing them on the Tabbies’ flat sides overnight. They also help one when working with timelines – helping one understand the connection between timelines. How a timeline from the past can be related to a current timeline.

These crystals are also helpful in grounding and merging one’s etheric bodies into the physical body to bring together their combined knowledge in a cohesive fashion. Often this information comes in the form of a flash vision, or feelings. To facilitate this process, hold the tabular crystal in your hands, empty your mind as best you can and focus on your breathing. Once you are in a meditative state, or just simply in a calm and relaxed state, ask your question. Do not worry if you do not get your answer right away. The answer will quite likely come to you in a EUREKA moment, a least expected moment when your conscious mind is not so intent on being at the forefront of your being!



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Tabular Quartz Galleries


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 1

Tabular Quartz Example One


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 3

Tabular Quartz Example Three


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 5

Tabular Quartz Example Five


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 7

Tabular Quartz Example Seven


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 9

Tabular Quartz Example Nine


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 11

Tabular Quartz Example Eleven


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 13

Tabular Quartz Example Thirteen


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 2

Tabular Quartz Example Two


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 4

Tabular Quartz Example Four


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 6

Tabular Quartz Example Six


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 8

Tabular Quartz Example Eight


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 10

Tabular Quartz Example Ten


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 12

Tabular Quartz Example Twelve


Tabular Quartz Example Photo 14

Tabular Quartz Example Fourteen

Click on the Tabular Quartz Crystal below for a full size image!

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