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Time Link-Past Quartz Properties and Meaning

These Time Link-Past Quartz crystals have a slanted back diamond shaped window on their terminations. If the window is slanted forward, it is deemed a Future Time Link, centered is a Window Quartz Crystal. Read more information and view photos showing Time Link-Past crystals below.

General Quartz Time Link-Past Information

For what and How Does One Use it?

Time Link-Past Quartz windows have a focus on retrieving information from past lives – relevant to the present lifetime. These crystals also allow one to access any events and information from any time in the past – even if they are events not personally related. The crystal does this by hooking into the Akashic Records database. One may access this information by meditating with the crystal.

Another gift this crystal has to share – is the ability to see past issues experienced within this lifetime – with a fresh set of eyes and understanding. Sometimes we are so emotionally vested and caught up in circumstance – we lose “sight” of what is really happening. Quartz Time Link-Past crystals can take us back to that point in time, so we may get a better understanding of how scenarios really unfolded and how they came about. This understanding can often lead to the release of old non-serving emotions such as anger, resentment, bitterness and sorrow.


Quartz Time Link-Past crystals are easier to find than straight window crystals, so you should be able to find one without any problems.  The photo galleries below show Time Link-Past Crystals. These photos are harvested from the archives which contain more than 100,000 photos going back more than 15 years!



Time Link-Past Quartz Properties and Meaning Page Video

Quartz Time Link-Past Galleries


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning Example Photo 1

Quartz Time Link-Past Channel Crystal


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning

Golden Smoky Quartz Time Link-Past Crystal


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning

Smoky Quartz Time Link-Past Crystal


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning

Smoky Quartz Time Link-Past Crystal


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning

Clear Quartz Time Link-Past Crystal


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning

Clear Quartz Time Link-Past Crystal


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning

Himalayan Quartz Time Link-Past Crystal


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning Example Photo 2

Smoky Quartz Time Link-Past Crystal


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning

Smoky Quartz Time Link-Past Record Keeper Crystal


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning

Citrine Quartz Time Link-Past Crystal


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning

Smoky Quartz Time Link-Past Cluster


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning

Citrine Quartz Time Link-Past Crystal


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning

Morion Smoky Quartz Time Link-Past Crystal


Quartz Time Link-Past Properties and Meaning Example Photo 14

Smoky Quartz Time Link-Past Cluster

Click on the Quartz Time Link-Past photo for a high resolution image!

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