Record Keeper Properties and Meaning
Record Keeper Crystals have triangles etched on the faces of the termination. Usually they are Quartz, but occasionally they can appear on other crystals such as Ruby and Kunzite. Read more about Smoky Quartz crystal healing properties below.
Intuitive Healing – Spiritual Trigger Words & Phrases For Record Keeper Quartz
General Record Keeper Information
What Does One Use it For and How Does One Use it?
One can access VAST amounts of information using these crystals. It is not so much that the crystal itself holds the information, it is more a direct link to an atmospheric layer above us that holds every vibration ever vibrated on the planet. These crystals give you a direct interface with this library of knowledge held within the akashic layer and will connect you with information that is relevant to your path in life.
To access a Record Keeper crystal, hold one in your hand and empty your head of all thoughts (except if you have any questions). Concentrate on your breath and relax. Let any thoughts, visions or sensations filter through, but try not to analyze them until after your session is complete. It is important to stay within the flow. Catch and surf the wave of information as it occurs!
Record Keeper Crystals are quite rare. Most of these will have just one or two triangles on the termination faces. The photo galleries below show Master Record Keeper crystals which have many, many triangles. These photos are harvested from the archives which contain more than 100,000 photos going back more than 15 years!
Record Keeper Properties and Meaning Video
Record Keeper Crystal Galleries
Record Keeper Crystal Example One
Record Keeper Crystal Example Three
Record Keeper Crystal Example Five
Record Keeper Crystal Example Seven
Record Keeper Crystal Example Nine
Record Keeper Crystal Example Eleven
Record Keeper Crystal Example Thirteen
Record Keeper Crystal Example Two
Record Keeper Crystal Example Four
Record Keeper Crystal Example Six
Record Keeper Crystal Example Eight
Record Keeper Crystal Example Ten
Record Keeper Crystal Example Twelve
Record Keeper Crystal Example Fourteen
Photo B
Hi Anthony!
I inherited this (smokey quartz?) from my late father 10 years ago and thought I had sold this one but just discovered it in a box in my closet and I’m so happy I didn’t give it up. The surfaces have a lot of record keepers (I think?) but wondering if you could tell me more about it? I will upload additional photos of the other surfaces. Thank you so much!
Photo A
Hi Erin, my apologies for the late reply. Not only is it a Record Keeper, I would class that as a master record keeper due to the large amount of triangles on it – AWESOME!
Great photos too incidentally, I know first hand how much a challenge it can be focusing on them – kudos!
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Hi Erin, great Record Keeper!
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Hi Anthony anything you can tell me about this crystal I recently picked up from a local shop would be much appreciated. Thank you
Hi Kelly, thank you for your question. After zooming in on the photo, it certainly has a generous amount of record keeper triangles. It looks to be a smoky quartz crystal, possibly from minas gerais, brazil. (judging from the shape and record keeper style)
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Some gorgeous specimans here. I bought a large ruby which i felt was a record keeper ruby. The lady in the shop laughed at me and said its 19.99 you want it or not? How could i leave him there. All the other crystals were expensive and i mean ouch expensive. My wee ruby is covered in triangles on both sides. Am i right its a record keeper ? Thank you you diamonds you rock no pun intended x
Greetings Oryn, Thank You for your comment and photo of your remarkable record keeper ruby!!! And what a bargain to boot!!! It is definitely a Record Keeper ruby ๐
Thank You again for your contribution!
Hello! I bought this citrine and was told it was a record keeper. What are you thoughts? Is it real?
Hi Marianela, yes I see record keeper triangles, it is legit ๐
This is another one that i can´t be sure about it, so i really apreciate that you help me with this one too.
Is this a record keeper??
Thank you very much
Hi Nuno, I do not see any Record Keeper triangles in this photo sorry.
Yes i was not sure!! there´s one big triangle there, on the left face of the photo, maybe it´s not very visible, and has a deep space around it, so i wasn´t sure about it. Thank you once again Anthony!! I am truly grateful for your help!!
Hello again!!!
Do you feel this crystal is a Record Keeper? Thank you
Hi Nuno, I acknowledge this can be very subjective, for me it just scrapes in, I know for some because it is not an equilateral triangle, it would rule it out for them.
I just recently acquired this elestial quartz and would like to ask if the triangles here (visible on all side of the specimen) are record keepers?
I'm new to this and would really love to know more about this crystal.
Thank you so much!
Hi Maribelle, this is a crystal that has several names! Thy are generally known as Cascading Quartz, Pineapple Quartz and Candlestick Quartz. The triangles are part of the cascading form and are not officially record keepers. Try the link below for further information.
Hi Anthony! I'm wondering what you think these markings might be on the face of this crystal… at quick glance, I thought they might be record keepers but then I realized they're more rounded than triangular… so a starbrary perhaps? I'm stumped! Thanks in advance for your kindness and help.
Hi Emily, they are kind of their own deal, and very rare. I feel thy have both record keeper and starbrary properties!
Thank you so much for your response, Anthony! I'm learning so much from your website. Please send along my gratitude to the whole team that makes it run ๐
Thank You for your kind words Emily, it is an honor and a pleasure to be of service ๐
Comment *Hi Anthony, may I ask if this is also sa record keeper even if with just one triangle? I just got it and the seller said that it has a record keeper and that the crystal has a message for me. Thank you so much in advanced.
Hi Aira, thank you for your post and photo. Yes, all a crystal needs is one triangle to be an record keeper ๐
Comment *Thank you so much sir Anthony <3 my heart is happy <3
These triangles are not raised so that I can feel them, but more markings. What do you think?
Hi Leonie, I think you have an absolutely outstanding genuine record keeper crystal there!
Is it a record keeper?
the sales told me it is quite a rare crystal with an triangle in it. I am not sure about it.
Hi Peony, thank you for your question. Though certainly unconventional, I’m going with yes, it is a record keeper. And yes, this phenomenon is extremely rare. Well done on your acquisition!.
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Hi, these are starbrary markings.
Comment *hello Anthony I know that this is probably a starbrary but the markings look like record keepers. Could this be a record keeper
Hi Irena, I’m seeing aspects of both Record Keepers and Starbrary.
Hello Anthony!
Could this possibly be a record keeper on my celestite? Can't find any articles on celestites having record keepers.
I don't think this was here before, but I have recently started to get pieces with record keepers and I've started seeing the same pattern on my crystals that weren't there before.
Thank you!
Hello Nicci, first of all, what a fantastic photo! And yes, it is a Record keeper! Record keepers are known to reveal themselves when the guardian is ready, so awesome!
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Hi There, no message came through with your photo sorry. From the photo sent, yes this crystal is most certainly a record keeper ๐
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Hi Anthony, this quartz has triangles like features but not very clear. can you please advise if it is a record keeper? Thank you very much.
Hi Anthony, this is another quartz I have with triangles like features on 2 different facets. can you please advise if it is a record keeper? Thank you very much.
Hi Anthony, can you please advise if the quartz in the attached photos is a record keeper? The quartz size is rather small and the “triangles” appear on 2 different facets. Thank you.
Hi Vivian, whilst not being a conventional record keeper, I do feel your unique crystal is one ๐
Hi, would you be able to tell me if these triangles on faces of my crystal are record keepers or some form of elestial markings?
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Hi Natasha, Nice crystal ๐ More towards Elestial Etching.
Comment *Thank you for sharing this knowledge with all of us!
I found this beautiful DT Octahedral Pyrite but the growth is unusual and I'm hoping you can help shed some light on it.
Thank you for your time !
Hi Audrey, wow that is a heck of a specimen, looks like it may have a coating of Goethite as well! This specimen has really different form from what I have seen, so I do not have personal experience to share sorry. Hopefully someone else can help here?
Comment *thank you so much hope u had a wonderful vacation.
Comment *hello is this a record keeper or is it a trigonic record keeper.
Hi Irena, my apologies for the late reply, I have been away. Yes that is a record keeper ๐
Comment *hello is this a Trigonic record keeper. Thank you
Hi Irena, yes it is ๐
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Hi Jeanette, your text did not come through with your photo sorry – could you please ask your question as a reply to my post here?
Comment *hello this is a light blue topaz I got as a gift is it a record keeper
thank you
Hi Irena, what a fabulous specimen! And yes, it is a record keeper ๐ Thank You for sharing.
pic 7 of 7. Sorry for all the pictures.
pic 6 of 7
pic 5 of 7
pic 4 of 7
pic 3 of 7
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Would this rock be a trigonic master record keeper? Or would it be a doorway or key crystal? I found this rock in a creek a bit west of Philadelphia PA. The rock looks like it is made of citrine with mica flakes imbedded into the rock and is a bit larger than the size of my fist. There is 4 dime sized triangle shaped recessed marks that are complete. The one triangle mark is very deep with a stepped looking side like it is a triangle inside of a triangle and a piece of mica at the bottom center of the triangle. There are 6 or 7 other dime sized triangle shaped recessed marks that are not complete, as if the marks have been eroded away. The triangle marks don't point in the same direction, some of the marks point up while other point down. Some of the triangle marks over lap each other. Any information on this rock would be appreciated. Thank you for your time and help.
Hi Brian, thank you for your posts. This looks like it “may” be crystallized mica embedded in a more massive rock like form of lower grade mica. Tough to fully tell without the piece in my hands. Either way, this is a fascinating specimen. Is there anyone else who may be able to assist Brian?
I know it’s not a gate keeper but wondered if the triangles mean anything on this stone (sorry, not great at photos).
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Hi Mary, this is what is known as Chevron Amethyst, it is not a record keeper as such, but none the less, a very beautiful energy ๐
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Very unique, and unconventional. I feel it is a record keeper/doorway. ๐
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I believe this is lemurian
Here's another side of it. I believe its lemurian
Admittedly, this is very subjective, for me the lines need to be more defined and separated to be a Lemurian.
Hi Anthony,
I was wondering about my crystal having an indented triangle..
Yes, it is a record keeper/doorway – nice!
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Yes, absolutely!
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Hi Erin, I’m not seeing this one as a record keeper. Thank You for your photo.
Hey there! Just got this Tibetan Quartz and noticed these super faint triangles, would these be considered record keepers? Thank you!!
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Yes, most definitely ๐
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Hi Anthony,
Not sure if these are considered record keepers as I have not seen others with similar pictures of these triangles that looks like it’s printed on the crystal.
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Hi Anthony,
I am not sure what these triangular markings are on this lemurian seed crystal. They are neither raised nor indented but it looks to be like it’s been printed on the surface. Are they record keepers?
Hi Jen, while they are not text book record keeper triangles, I feel that this crystal is actually a record keeper, just an unconventional one.
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I am still learning about record keepers and wondering if this tourmaline is one? I will post pictures of multiple sides, but this side appears to be the most triangular. Thank you for all you do and your incredible information!
Hi there, record keeper crystals have small triangles, mostly on termination faces. The can be either embossed, or indented. The triangular form/shape of an entire crystal is not in the realms of record keepers. Black Tourmalines are amazing crystals that I rate extremely highly!
And a clear quartz cluster, again I’m not if these are Master record keepers? Thanks
Same with this one, the rounded form of the triangles is not quite right for being a master record keeper.
Pink Himalayan cluster. I’m not sure if this counts as Master record keepers? Thanks
I have a few from this location with the same markings. They are not master record keepers for my way of thinking as many of the triangles are rounded.
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Comment *Not sure if this is a record keeper?
It is a little hard to tell with this photo sorry, if the triangle is complete, then yes.
Comment *Could you tell me if the triangles on this cathedral lemurian record keepers or doorways? They are perfectly 3D indented. It’s more visible on the larger triangle and there are 4 other smaller ones. Thanks
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I do not see this as being Lemurian, as those are not really straight striations. However, it is absolutely a lightbrary Cathedral, which is a very, very awesome kind of crystal in it’s own right!
I see, learn something new everyday, thank you. I was told it was called a cathedral lemurian when I bought it. Mine has 2 points with another smaller point joined to it. I guess that means it has twin energy? The others in the same batch have many more points more like a cathedral. There are some straight horizontal striations. I uploaded some more pics of it for a better view.
Hi May, these are definitely lightbrary cathedrals. I’m seeing a triple termination? Very cool. The striations are not Lemurian style ones, but very nice none the less ๐
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A bit of both really, I see them as being more doorways, but they for sure will have record keeper properties too. Great find1
Comment *Hi, I was given this mini Himalayan point a while ago. Are these trigonic record keepers? It’s strange because I’ve just learnt about record keepers and have discovered all my raw crystals including a Quartz cluster, samadhi quartz cluster, and Celestite cluster have them. One cathedral lemurian has a few indented perfect triangles which I can forward. I’m not sure if they were there before as I don’t remember seeing them, but I wasn’t looking for them till now. I meditate with all my crystals, although not this mini one as yet.
Hi May, thank you for your posts. What a great crystal! And yes, this is absolutely a Trigonic Record Keeper – Awesome!
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This is a “Key” crystal, rather than a record keeper. It is a cavity left by a crystal that once grew there.
See second photo here. Thank you! <3
I recently found this quartz piece in a Colorado rock shop. I have never seen anything like it- the gentleman working said it had clay inclusions? I asked him if he thought this was a record keeper, however he didn’t seem to know what I was talking about. I’d would love and appreciate another opinion. Much love!
That is actually Chlorite Included Quartz from Minas, Gerais, Brazil. And yes, it is a record keeper ๐
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Just adding more picture to sure different angles
This is Black tourmaline, I've never known this to occur on such a piece… But would love to know if this is what I believe to be whether it's a different energy or have different form of access to information. Hope that makes sense ๐ค
Hi Leah, yes, that is a record keeper Black Tourmaline, I’m not sure I have ever seen one before. Access should be similar to Quartz crystals ๐
Awesome crystal!
Hiiii, I recently bought this Colombian Lemurian Quartz Point, would you please be able to tell me if these little triangles are record keepers? Cheers!๐
Hi there, Those are “keyholes”. They are created when a crystal grows from the side of another crystal, and then pop out leaving the indentation of the smaller crystals shape behind.
Hello! I require some help- I recently found this herkimer diamond and I'm unsure if its a record keeper. Can someone give me some advice QAQ? (sorry for the blurry image x-x)
Hi, I see this as being more self healed than being a record keeper.
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Commentaire *Bonjour, je possède aussi une améthyste qui a une pointe avec une image de ''marche d'escalier'' qui donne l'impression d'une structure 3D, selon l'angle de la lumière, comme des blocs rectangulaires superposés, exactement comme dans la partie droite de la photo. On dirait un hologramme. Y a-t-il d'autres pierres qui affichent ce phénomène?
My son gifted this little amethyst sphere to me and I immediately noticed this layered triangle shape inside. Can you please tell me your thoughts about it?
Thank you!!
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This is a style of phantom that is being found in a relatively new find of amethyst in Brazil.
Comment *sorry this is such a large piece so much to see thank you.
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Comment *Hi thank you for your valuable responses to everyone I am just wondering what exactly I have please as in doorways record keeper ect.
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Hi Anna, Thank you for your msg and photos. What I’m seeing looks to be a totally Crystallized Smoky Elestial Quartz crystal. The etching is spectacular, there will be a lot of information in that crystal! Checkout the elestial information page on how to read them. I’m also seeing a few record keepers, and many, many doorways!
Just Wondering If These Finger Print Etchings On The Faces Of This Amethyst Are Record Keepers :)?
I’m familiar with this family of Amethyst, and I have often wondered the same question myself. My feelings are no as they are not complete triangles, they are missing the bottom lines.
Hi Anthony,
Can you tell me if this is:
Record Keeper or Starbrary or both?
I was also told this was a Arfvedsonite but looks more like a smokey quartz?
Another angle – different light
Hi Kate, yes it looks to be a smoky quartz, and yes it is both a record keeper and a Starbrary ๐
Thank you Anthony and thank you for all the awesome site and information you share
Hi Anthony!
would this qualify as a record keeper? They were sooo hard to capture with the camera
Thank you!
Hi Kate, these markings are starbrary ones!
Starbrary crystals are crystals that have markings/glyphs on the side. They are crystals that have stored information within them. This information was seeded by star people that visited the planet eons ago. The information will be released to the crystals new guardian via both subconscious, or conscious methods. Meditation is the most likely way to gain access, but so too can reading them by running ones fingers over the glyphs, reading it in a braille like fashion. The glyphs themselves can take many interesting shapes and are etched upon the crystal itself โ usually the sides, in rare cases, on the termination faces as well. Shapes that maybe encountered can be triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, lightning type zig zags, or even combinations of them all!
Comment *hi would this qualify as a record keeper? Its found on one my my amethyst which i couldnt find much info on the internet.
Hi Jeffrey, I’m saying yes ๐
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Hi could you let me k ow if this is a trigonic time keeper or is it a window? Or are they the same thing? Haha. If they are different could you explain that to me please? Thanks.
Hi Lauren,
This crystal is more a doorway, please find link to information page for doorways below ๐
Hi anthony so I think I have found what they call a trigonic record keeper in one of my Smokey quartz. Could you tell me if it is please? TIA
Hi, Thanks for your information. This website is really helpful to me to learn more about Crystals and Stones. I have a Smoky Lemurian seed crystal, and I just realised that it has some triangles here! Is it a record keeper? Also, How can I identify if the crystal is a Master Crystal? Thanks Again.
Hi Carmen, thank you for your kind comments ๐ Those markings are what is referred to as being Starbrary. A master crystal is an example that is supreme of it’s family type. So if it were a Record keeper, it would have 10 to a hundred or so triangles on it. If it were a window, the window would take most of the side of the termination and so on. Thank You!
Thanks for your reply, Anthony ๐
One more question. Is Starbrary and Record Keeper are the same thing?
They are two different crystals.
Starbrary crystals are crystals that have markings/glyphs on the side. They are crystals that have stored information within them. This information was seeded by star people that visited the planet eons ago. The information will be released to the crystals new guardian via both subconscious, or conscious methods. Meditation is the most likely way to gain access, but so too can reading them by running ones fingers over the glyphs, reading it in a braille like fashion. The glyphs themselves can take many interesting shapes and are etched upon the crystal itself โ usually the sides, in rare cases, on the termination faces as well. Shapes that maybe encountered can be triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, lightning type zig zags, or even combinations of them all!
Are any of these triangles record keepers?
Though not conventional, I’m going to say yes in this instance ๐
Got it. So technically it's not really a record keeper then? Damnn haha alright well thanks Anthony. I appreciate your help.
– Kaizer
Small record keeper/time link?
I’m not seeing either in the photos sorry, they are hard to photograph, I know from experience lol
Hey Anthony. Is it okay if I post multiple pictures? I have 4 pictures of 3 different crystals I'm trying to figure out as to whether or not they have record keepers on them or not. One of them I think has a record keeper in two different places so I had to take two different pictures of it from different angles. It seems I can only upload one photo at a time for some reason though. Here's the first one. If you know if any of these have time links and stuff like that too, please let me know. Still kinda new to this type of information.
Hi Kaizer, the system only allows one photo to stop bots spamming the site with hundreds of them. Feel free to do multiple posts with photos, and use the first post for the text.
Hello would this be a record keeper? A piece I recently purchased.
It looks a lot like a doorway. It is very special!
Hello Anthony and thank you for this site and the knowledge you share. I was wondering if you could tell me what this circular marking is ? Like a record keeper which there is on another face of the crystal, it is impossible to feel and only visible in the right light.
I have not seen many of these at all, and I do not know any name given to them, likely due to scarcity! sorry I could not be of assistance in this instance.
Hi again!! Lots of activity here recently, I am enjoying the learning experience!! I have a new one I’m not sure on as fluorite can be tricky. What do you think?
Yep, Fluorite ๐
I was told this was a record keeper. I cant remember where I got it from or what crystal it is. It's got a dark pinkish colour with black. There are triangles on both sides.
Hi Cheryl, this is a natural record keeper ruby specimen. Great score!
Greetings! is this record keeper crystal?
Greetings to you ๐
Not that I can see. It is impressive etching though. Run your fingers over it in quiet contemplation and read it as if it were braille, see what info, thoughts and more importantly, feelings come up.
Found this beauty of a ruby in Saluda, NC! I am really looking forward to working with it. Here are pics of both sides:)
What an awesome specimen, great find – enjoy!
Hi Anthony, I sent you a photo of this crystal awhile back and you confirmed for me it was a RK as well as a starbrary (there was only one prominent triangle showing at the time). Well I've looked at this little crystal many times in attempts to work with it and all of a sudden I say hundreds of triangles not just on the face of the one large triangle but ALL of them! They were so small that it was very difficult to get photos but I managed and I just wanted to share with you my findings. I know this may be a weird question but… can RK reveal themselves to you at a later time when you're better able to receive the information?
I'll try for a better photo
Hi Kimberly, yes record keepers can absolutely develop more triangles. They do release more information as you become more ready. Your crystal now has so many triangles it now qualifies as a master record keeper – very exciting!
Hi Anthony, I have a crystal with the same triangles, is it a master record keeper?
Hi Manh, yes it is ๐
it is amazing what people have!
I am sceptic about mine.. It is obviously faceted crystal and thus, such an impression that it was done on purpose.
What do you think?
I think I see at least one – so yes ๐
Hi Nata, it looks like it may be a triangular chip off the crystal.
Hello! I'm new on this crystal journey, and have gotten my first aura cluster this week. Upon close examination, I noticed a lot of weird markings and would like to get your opinion on it. I'm sharing two photos, one of the tip and one of the sides. Would really love to hear your thoughts. Also, I found your website very useful for my crystal journey and am looking forward to more learning ๐
Sorry for the bad photo quality, I tried my best
Hi there, actually, those are great photos, I know first hand how difficult capturing such markings on camera can be. Well done! These are Starbrary markings. Starbrary crystals are crystals that have markings/glyphs on the side. They are crystals that have stored information within them. This information was seeded by star people that visited the planet eons ago. The information will be released to the crystals new guardian via both subconscious, or conscious methods. Meditation is the most likely way to gain access, but so too can reading them by running ones fingers over the glyphs, reading it in a braille like fashion. The glyphs themselves can take many interesting shapes and are etched upon the crystal itself โ usually the sides, in rare cases, on the termination faces as well. Shapes that maybe encountered can be triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, lightning type zig zags, or even combinations of them all!
thank you so much for your reply and confirmation! really appreciate your guidance
Hi There, these are definitely record keeper crystals – great score!
I'm very curious if anyone knows what this is.
Hi Nell, this is a reverse Scepter Quartz Crystal. The little crystal embedded in it is awesome! This was likely mined at the lower altitudes on the Chinese side of the Himalayas.
I have one more quartz that needs your expert attention.
This is a record keeper AND an impressive starbrary crystal as well ๐
Thank you SO much! Can you tell me if this is Trigonic record keeper? I have three Super 7's that look just like this.
Hi, these are doorways, rather than being trigonic.
Hi Anthony,
Can you please tell me if this crystal quartz is a record keeper?
Hi Kim, this is absolutely a Record Keeper crystal.
I am so excited, thank you very much! I have one more and I promise I will stop bugging you LOL
Is this a record keeper? I am divided, I think yes but then my doubt creeps in.
I think I see at least one – so yes ๐
I have this elestial smoky quartz with rainbow and also is a record keeper.
I recently found this stone in a very strange way. I've never seen anything quite like it. There are no triangles, so it isn't a record keeper, but I think it may be a Starbrary. It reminds me strongly of a computer chip or motherboard, at least on several surfaces. The lines are not all angles, some are curved like water. On the reverse face it has many smaller markings. It also has internal rainbows and a bit of an "oilslick" appearance on some surfaces. What do you think this is?
Hi Wanda, it is a skeletal layered crystal. It has had water flowing over it during growth whgich causes the interesting layers and etching. The oil slick like appearence is usually caused by a combination of light coatings of oxides on the surface. So rainbows in and on it, skeletal layers – what a crystal, great find!
And what do you think, is this a RK? The triangles are barely to see. Thank you, Josie
I’m not seeing a complete triangle, if you can – it is.
Thank you and sorry for the double Post.
No worries!
And what do you think, is this one a record keeper? The triangles are hard to see… thank you. ๐
Cannot tell sorry.
Hi, lovely website! I would love to know, what you think about this amethyst. Is it a record keeper or a doorway? Thank you, Josie
Hi Josie, Good news – Both!
Thank you Anthony! ๐ So if the triangle is complete, no matter how deep it is, it is an RK, yes?
Pretty much yes ๐
Hi! Is this a record keeper inside or is it just a veil? Thank you so much!
Wow, ok, Record Keeper triangles are on the surface of the crystal. So this is altogether something else, and very, very special. My sense is that it is a portal into other dimensions. All I can say is Wow!
Hello is this a record keeper on the bottom of my turtle crystal? Thanks for all the great knowledge
Hi Mary, ok I first saw your msg while I was away on a journey and could not see the photo until I got back just now. When I read it initially, I thought no way can there be a record keeper on the bottom of a carved turtle. So imagine my surprise when I finally did see your photo! I’m going with both a doorway and a record keeper. While not a conventional record keeper by any stretch of the imagination, I do feel record keeper energy within it. Stunning! Thank You for sharing ๐
Yes, it is a Record Keeper, and it also has impressive Starbrary markings ๐
Not that I can see in the photos provided sorry
Hi, can you tell me please if these two are record keepers or not? One is garnet and one is crystal quartz. Thank you so much
Hi Gigi, Yes, this crystal is a record keeper!
Hi Anthony,
Thanks for the great content. I doubt these are record keepers to the upper left of the photo, but would be pleased to be proven wrong.
Hi Melvin, though I’m not seeing a complete triangle in the photo, I very much feel there is one or two on there somewhere. I know this family of crystal well, and just about every one I’ve seen has a triangle or two somewhere on them.
Interesting information. New to all this. What do you suspect of this one? Thanks for your time!!
Hi Tracy, thank you for your post and photo. Yes, that is a record keeper, and a great one at that. Congratulations on capturing it in a photo too!
So Excited! Thanks so much for your response and helpful posts ๐
I think these are record keepers? – I really wanted one. I just got off eBay for $30. Woohoo, I think this one is.
record keeper
You can ignore my other posts if they are not worthy
Thank you!!!!
Yes, I see a complete triangle to the far right. Awesome Record Keeper there!
Hi, I think starbraries, or even a record keeper? I'll post the photos for you.
This is a starbrary of a sort ๐
What do you think? ๐
That is a superb Record Keeper – well done! ๐
Other side of the raw Amethyst
I wonder if I have anything on this raw Amethyst. One side had what looks like triangles pointing toward the "point" and the other side has triangular markings going in the opposite direction
Hi Leigh, the markings you are referring too were created by another crystal growing along side it. Quartz crystals on get the record keeper triangles growing on the termination faces.
Anything on these markings on Golden healer quartz. Symbol looking thing and the small indented triangle at the base?
Hi therre, I’m not seeing any record keepers in the photo. The etching is fairly standard for a great many quartz crystals. When it comes to quartz crystals, Record keeper triangles occur on the termination faces.
Hi Anthony,
Thank you so much for this comprehensive article about record keepers, the best one I found online ๐ I have these two crystals that keep puzzling me, sometimes I think they are and sometimes I'm sure they are not. Would you mind having a look and letting me know what you think? I've heard once that for it to be a record keeper, the triangle(s) had to be on the tip of the crystal and only quartz could be considered, do you agree with that? Thank you!
Hi Day, Thank you for your question, photo and kind comments ๐
I’m not seeing any definitive record keepers on the crystals in the photo supplied sorry.
Yes, for quartz crystals, 99.9% of record keepers are found on the termination faces.
Record keepers can indeed turn up on different minerals, like on some rubies for instance, also some Kunzite specimens definitely are record keeper crystals.
Greetings, this piece of Utah mined selenite has a deeply ingraved, natural triangle. Would you consider this a record keeper?
Hi Sharon, now there is a curve ball! Initially I was thinking no, but then when I went to the large version of your photo – I received a resounding yes! My lesson takeaway – I should stop “thinking” lol
Hi, pls disregard my previous duplicated photo but the enclosed one is right.
Would you advise if this is a record keep as well since a pyramid like shape is inside? Thanks!
Hi Catherine, I cannot see a record keeper on this crystals photo. There was one on the other photo you sent, which I replied to earlier. Thank You ๐
Large Keyhole and I can see small record keeper triangles too ๐
Hi, May I know if my crystal is a record keeper as there is a pyramid like inside ?Thanks!
Hi Catherine, yes it is ๐
Hi Anthony,
These are tiny upside down triangles on a quartz face. They are not recessed, just very shallow indentations. The thing is, they are really small, can’t be felt, and can be seen only with a loupe. Are they still considered trigonic recordkeepers?
Hi there, the answer is absolutely yes.
Hi there, U wonder if my Crystal with the
Hi Catherine, I cannot see any record keeper triangles in the photo sorry.
I’m so grateful with the all information you’re sharing on record keeper, I recently started to pick up & appreciate Crystals. I’m not sure if this is one, the triangles seem indented.
Hi Shin, these are Starbrary markings.
Hi Anthony,
Thank you sharing on the record keeper information. Jus got this crystal recently and wonder if those arrow like indentations are also a form of record keeper. Would love your comment. Thanks!
Hi Puffin, Great crystal and yes they certainly are record keeper triangles ๐
Thanks for the reply and thrill to know I have a record keeper crystal, yeah!!!
Hi Anthony,
Could you advise on whether round glyphs are recordkeepers too? This piece has these little orbs on every face. Thank you.
Hi Thomas, that is a Starbrary Quartz Crystal – and about as good a Starbrary markings as your ever likely to see – wow!
Oh wow, thank you Anthony. These markings are fascinating.
Hello! I am very very new to the crystal world, and just recently got this sectarian crystal. I was just wondering…does this crystal appear to be a record keeper?
Hi Leila, thank you for your question and great photo. It is not a record keeper sorry.
hi just wondering if this was considered a record keeper โค๏ธ
Hi there,
I have a small quartz tumble that literally has a triangle inside of it!! Would this be considered a record keeper and what can you tell me about this unusual formation??
Hi Karolin, it looks to be laser etched, could you please show me a photo showing the other side please?
It is etching most likely left there by another since departed small crystal – looked like was double terminated too.
I found this crystal by complete luck. Is it a record keeper by chance?
Hi, that is a Starbrary (Etched Markings) Quartz Crystal.
(Starbrary crystals are crystals that have markings/glyphs on the side. They are crystals that have stored information within them. This information was seeded by star people that visited the planet eons ago. The information will be released to the crystals new guardian via both subconscious, or conscious methods. Meditation is the most likely way to gain access, but so too can reading them by running ones fingers over the glyphs, reading it in a braille like fashion. The glyphs themselves can take many interesting shapes and are etched upon the crystal itself โ usually the sides, in rare cases, on the termination faces as well. Shapes that maybe encountered can be triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, lightning type zig zags, or even combinations of them all!)
Hi There, I have never seen a record keeper triangle in pyrite before, but yes, I’m going to say that is one! Awesome find!
OK, yes, my best guess is this has almost certainly been etched in with a laser. This style of carving used to be very popular about 12 years ago.
Hi Amy, no text came through with your photo – I’m guessing you want to know if it is a record keeper? Yes it is ๐
Hi, came across your article and remember seeing something similar on my Herkimer. Do record keepers exist on Herkimers? Attached pictures.
Hi There, great photo and crystal! While I do not see anyt record keepers in your photo, Yes, Record Keepers absolutely do exist on Herkimers. Fun fact, I just picked up one from a crystal show here in New Zealand of a New York Stater just two days ago!
Also there are these pyramids that are not seen usually but at some angles and some days only I can see the whole of them .
It seems like a city .. I also see a face and lot of pyramids are there which I could not capture here
can you also please put some light on these
and how can I use this lemurian quartz
Hi Bhavna, thank you for your photo. Sorry, I” cannot make out the form you are describing.
What a wonderful place ๐๐ผ
Need your help in knowing what are these markings and shapes on my crystal . I was drawn to purchase this one and I actually love it a lot
will add more pictures because I have more questions.
it said it is a lemurian crystal .. reading your comments I wanted to know are these keys at bottom of crystal and is that triangle a record keeper
These are referred to as “Key” crystals. They are caused by other crystals growing along side them.
Hi Bhavna, this too is caused by another crystal growing along side this one. It is indeed a Lemurian Seed crystal.
Lemurian Seed Quartz Crystals were used back in Ancient Lemuria days by advanced races of beings. Thus these crystals are very advanced and have a focus on high technology, DNA, and social engineering. These master healers assist in helping one get in touch with โ and using intuition.
The striations themselves represent significant timelines in the history of human development. An example would be how current technology has moved from phonograph records, to cassette tapes, to cdโs to downloadable and streaming music. Each one of these advancements could be viewed as a single striated line on the crystal. Thus running your fingers over the Lemurian Seed crystal will connect you with time line events that each crystal has recorded. The crystal will impart its knowledge to you using this technique. As these crystals have a strong focus on intuition, it is completely natural and absolutely encouraged that one use their intuition in finding the best way for the individual to interface with this vast library of crystal information.
Hi,is this a record keeper?Im afraid that I am wrong
Hi, not that I can see in the photo. Do you see any on the termination faces like the example photos above?
Hi I've been trying to figure out if my crystals are record keepers. I have a couple. But this cluster and my point give me a huge boost of energy more than my others that's why I'm so curious sorry my picture are not the best but u can see it more in video
Hi Vicky,
Thank You for your msg and photos, while not conventional, I definitely do feel that yes, your cluster is indeed a record keeper ๐
I cannot completely tell from the photo of your other crystal, but yes, I do think I see a record keeper triangle on it.
hello! i was wondering if it was possible for lepidolite to be a record keeper, and if so, is this a record keeper?
Hi Haley, while record keepers are not exclusive to quartz crystals, I’m not sensing it from the specimen in the photo. Having said that, bith Lepidolite and record keepers are hard to photograph, so I could easily be missing it!
I’m lucky enough to be the owner of this double-terminated lemurian record keeper crystal. Too bad one terminal is broken. But I still treasure this crystal very much. Thank you for making this very informative website.
Hi Austin, thank you for sharing photos of your special crystal – fantastic!
Hi! I bought this one as starbrary, it was extracted from a Colombian mine.
Luz, your crystal doesn't appear to be a record keeper to me. Instead it's a key crystal, as the shapes are indentation rather than protrusion, and also not triangle in shape.
My record keeper ๐
Weeee, very nice – thank you for sharing!
Hello there everyone! I was just wondering what my crystal would be considered. It was triangles literally all of over. Thank you for any information! Much love
Hi Garrett, great crystal you have there! I myself would regard this as a record keeper, it is not conventional that is for sure, and some would disagree, but it is a yes from me ๐
Hi! I found this rock in the middle of Death Valley during the 2021 Winter Solstice around midnight. A few weeks before I went there and found this rock, I felt compelled to create this clay pyramid. I took a side by side picture because it was so shocking to me that I had sculpted it almost identically before finding it. I have no idea what this rock is or if perhaps it could be a record keeper?? I’m eager to hear your thoughts! Thank you!
I found this stone at an amethyst dig on Arizona. The triangle intrigued me. Can you identify this marking? I found a few other stones with triangles that weren't quite as detailed as this one. Thanks
Hi Karen, thank you for sharing. I’m not familiar with this stone sorry – it is intriguing!
Hi Anthony! I’m so glad I found this page. I have many crystals and I thought I knew a lot but it turns out I don’t know nearly as much as I thought. I have several pieces of Auralite23. I feel like they have a lot going on. Can you help me identify some things?
Sure thing, fire away! The form on the Auralite in your attached photo is intriguing, I've not seen anything quite like that unusual formation in the middle before!
Hi Anthony, I feel like the previous photo only shows the skeletal quartz nature (I'm not quite sure), so I have just uploaded another four photos showing detail parts of the crystal(s) which I would love to hear your thoughts on them :D. 1a and 1b are captured from the previous crystal. While 2b and 2c are captured from another crystal. Really appreciate your professional advise and I look forward to hearing from you!
Hi Pearl, ok, 1a is a Record Keeper. 1b is the last surface layer of the skeletal form. It often has the triangular type zigzag patterns, but are not equilateral triangles that record keepers most often are. 2b and 2 c are doorways ๐
Thank you so much! Both of the record keeper or doorways looks really unique on crystals, love them. Thank you for pointing out that the triangle in 1b actually not equilateral which differentiate it from record keeper. Besides, when I first discover 2b, I was a bit unsure if it is record keeper or not cause it is definitely in triangle shape however it seems a deeply recessed triangle instead of a record keeper's imprint. Thank you for indentifying it as a doorway instead!! Yes, definitely a doorway, I have just checked out your doorway quartz articles. I have shared your insight with my follower in my instagram account, however don't know who I should tag in order to give you credit haha. Anyway, I've shared the website for others to look into. Such an informative website, crystal addicts like me for sure will find your website useful.
Thank You for sharing and your kind words ๐
Hi Anthony, thank you for sharing about record keeper, the post is very insightful. I am a crystal lover as well and own a crystal with windows in the shape of triangle opened on its faces, however it seems that there's no obvious triangles etched. I have attached a photo with the comment. Please could you advice if those are record keepers or is there any other meaning behinds? Thank you for your help ๐
Hi Pearl, Thank You for your post. What a fantastic Skeletal Elestial you have there! I will answer your questions as best I can on your next post.
Thank you for your prompt reply! Much appreciate your help:)
Does this look like a record keeper or doorway?!?!
Hi Justice, I feel that is a fair description of what you have there.
And this has sunken in super defined elongated doorway if I'm not mistaken. Is this a doorway or something else??
Recently bought a few tangerine quartz and this appeared. Are there such thing as hexagon record keeper? Will be posting in the post the next one as well.
Hi Nikki, This type of quartz is known as a “Key” Crystal ๐
Hello! I found this Kunzite recently and the markings are really interesting! I was just wondering if they are record keepers, starbrurys, or something else ๐
Hello Madison, yes these are indeed record keeper triangles! Well done on getting this piece, Record Keeper Kyanites are exceedingly rare!
I’m not sure if the picture worked.. but is this lepidolite a record keeper? I had ordered this a couple weeks ago and recently seen a record keeper thread on Facebook, then I received this today and it has the same triangle on it as I saw in the thread. Thank you!!
Hi Krystal, this piece looks to be Chevron Amethyst, it is not Lepidolite. The triangle is from a skeletal formation that the Amethyst grew in, it is actually, very, very special – Great score! ๐
Curious on your thoughts. Thank you ๐
Hi Justice, great Fluorite palm! In this case the triangle is made up from the color zoning and is not really related to record keepers as such.
Not sure about the indention on this Quartz, could it be a Doorway or a Record Keeper?
It is a doorway – thank you for the photos!
This sweet little piece of Amethyst has several little recorders on it, its tiny but fully packed.
Record Keepers are hard to photograph!
My Madagascar Citrine/Smoky Quartz
Is this a Recordkeeper?
These are Starbrary Markings
My Congo Citrine
Is this a Doorway or a Record Keeper?
It goes deep inside and has two openings close together and another opening with lots of babies in it.
It is more a geode cave.
Is this a Record Keeper or Doorway?
Not seeing either in this photo.
Hi Mr Bradford, would love to hear your views again on another two pieces in my collection. Specimen A is a Super Seven. I believe Side A shows a single raised recordkeeper, except that the tip of that point was physically chipped off. Side A2 is a little confusing. I think I see many little triangles arranged like scales, could this possibly be a master recordkeeper?
Specimen B is a clear quartz piece. There are triangular engravings, are those recordkeeper or glyphs of another variety? Side B2 seems to show a parallelogram with glyphs within in, is this common?
Hi Thomas, in regards to A I have seen many like this, but as the triangle does not complete, I’ve not considered them record keepers.
With A2, I personally have always felt this style is a record keeper, though many would disagree with me as they are not perfect equilateral triangles. I would not consider A2 to be a master record keeper.
B is like a combination of glyphs and record keeper. I’ve not seen many like this.
B2 is where another crystal has grown across the crystal you have. The crystal still crystallizes/completes, but just with the inset and glyphs look you see in the photo – is quite common ๐
Truly grateful for your detailed response. Glyphs, record keepers or doorways in differing variations, I am inspired to perceive them as messages for us, each in its own unique handwriting. Thank you again, I have learnt so much from this website.
Hi I recently got hold of this Vera Cruz amethyst.. noticed there was this triangle but it’s inside the Crystal and not on the surface. Is this anything??
Hi Jojo, many vera cruz amethyst are skeletal, this means that they grow in layers, trhus the triangle you are seeing inside, is a previous layer formed earlier in the crystals growth cycles.
Does this mean it's a doorway or record keeper inside of it?
This crystal is showing internal skeletal form, rather than being a doorway or an record keeper.
Here is a link to the skeletal page.
I bought a piece of quartz recently and spotted this triangular imprint on it. Would love to hear your opinion about whether it is a record keeper, doorway or otherwise. I tried to feel it intuitively but fear that it is my mere wishful thinking affecting my judgement.
Oh dear, I did not realise that my query went through successfully as I received an error message after posting the above. I do apologise for the duplicate email I sent after getting the error message. While I'm here, I have an amethyst cluster which has a raised triangle on one of its points, near the corner. Would this be something of note? Thank you very much for sharing your expertise.
Hi Thomas, sorry about the confusion, the photos are not attaching properly and this is causing the error message – I have now fixed this issue. So I’m coming along and manually adding the photos and approving posts.
Yes, that is a record keeper triangle ๐
Hi Thomas, that is not so much a record keeper, but rather a doorway ๐
Thank you Mr Bradford, I'm grateful for both the doorway and the record keeper. Thank you for your immense efforts, maintaining this excellent website.
Hello! In your opinion would this crystal be called a record keeper or perhaps something else?
The triangle near the bottom of your crystal is a doorway. ๐
Is this a record keeper.
No photo came through sorry – try emailing to
Hi Anthony,
This one is the garnet i mentioned before
This one sia record keeper too. Being Garnet, that is a rare occurrence.
Hi I’m so confused and if this is anything. It seems etch at one side at the same time it looks natural. It’s like a continuous doorway. Can u help to check this smoky lemurian?
Hi, this crystal is etched, and yes there is absolutely a unique doorway into the crystal. It does not have Lemurian striations, so is not a Lemurian as such. However, it is extremely unique and rare with that cool doorway – great find!
Oh Thank You! On the other side of this crystal there's this in depth sunken in like triangle-ish part.. Does it mean anything?
Hi Anthony! I have another one that I would be grateful for your insight on. This one is an intact Double Terminated Herkimer Diamond with rainbows and black hydrocarbon material inside. What is cool(strange) about this one is the large raised record keeper on one of its faces (if that is what it is). Would you please offer any insight on what this is, and how to work with this crystal? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Anthony!
The DT Crystal is a skeletal elestial, so would be good for such things as peeling back layers of growth to understand how things/situations came to be. I’m getting it is also a crystal for self reflection and growth for yourself. I think making an elixir using this crystal, then meditating with it will really help clarify for you what this crystal is all about and what you can co-create with each other ๐
Hi Anthony! This crystal does not have a record keeper, but I wasn't sure where to post this one. This is an Ametrine crystal with rainbows, but once I received it I noticed the coolest(strangest) thing etched inside the crystal. It appears to be glyphs or alphabets, and they are arranged so neatly and precise! There are multiple stands of these "texts" that are running within the crystal, and I've never seen anything like it. I tried my best to take a decent picture, but it looks more stunning in person and of course 3d. Would you provide any insight as to what these are, and how best to work with a crystal like this? Thank you so much!
I have not seen anything quite like this. What Charlotte and I are getting is that the coded veils have information regarding both DNA and atomic structure. So a possible focus could be cleaning up rouge corrupted dna, along with restructuring just about any kind of physical reality via the atomic building blocks of life. Meditation, holding the crystal in hand and working with it that way, both in a directional conscious sort of way, and also to receive information to the subconscious for later retrieval at the right time is also very likely possible with this amazing crystal.
Hi Anthony,
I've loved reading through everyone's posts & your information shared on Record Keeper crystals. I bought this Lithium Quartz pendant several years ago & didn't notice the tiny triangles on several faces of the pendant. It wasn't months after giving the Lithium Quartz a 'bath' that I noticed them & the fact that it had an Isis face!
Could you have a look at the attached picture & let me know what you think?? ๐
Hi Gillian, thank you for your post and photo. Yes, this is absolutely a record keeper crystal – what a score, well done!
Thanks for confirming Anthony! Keep up the amazing conversations ๐
I have my unusual record keeper here. It has raised hexagons covering the entire wand. I haven't been able to find information on hexagonal record keepers anywhere. I know lines are Lumerian and triangular are Atlantian, but I was wondering if you have any insights on this
Hi Aven, great crystal and photo! It is not so much a Record Keeper, but very much it’s own deal. I’ve not seen anything quite like this before, save for the self healing on some Cathedral Crystals. It is like that part of the crystal was crystallizing in a very tightly confined space, so it probably excels t assisting in helping with dealing with tight situations!
Hi does it count if my record keeper has the triangles in the crystal part its a clear quartz..I can't upload photos here?
Hi Natasha, please send photos to ๐
Great Record Keeper crystal – thank you for the photo!
Hello! Is my Herkimer a record keeper? Thanks kindly in advance!
Hi Anna, yes, it certainly is ๐
Hi Anthony, I bought a green apophyllite that had many etched triangles on one of its terminations, but i'm not sure if these are record keepers. Do RK form on apophyllites?
Hi Emilia, yes they do, and yes it is ๐
Hi Anthony,
I just discovered your site while searching for some guidance/answers. I found what appears to be a fragment of a herkimer diamond. I kept it and noticed there was a vague triangle discernible on the surface. Over the last couple of months it has developed into the picture I am attaching. The goldish hues were always there and the rainbows seem to come and go. The most recent flash I saw appeared to be wings. The triangle now seems to have an eye in the middle which reminds me of the Eye of Providence. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Hi Heyoka, Thank You for your message. Unfortunately the photo did not come through with it. You could try again, or email me the photo at and I will add it in for you.
In respect to your questions. Yes, I have seen rainbows come and go as well as record keeper triangles. It is not exactly common, but it can and does happen ๐
Hello Heyoka,
This is a very special unique Crystal. It is really it’s own deal, though I do sense strong record keeper energy coming from it ๐
Comment Anthony thank you for a wonderful site very informative. perhaps you could look at this and tell me what your thoughts are. I believe it's from Thunder Bay
Hi Douglas, thank you for your kind comments. Yes, record keepers on record keepers – that is an outstanding crystal you have there. Many would term that a master record keeper crystal for the amazing amount of triangles on it!
Hi Anthony, how about this herkimer. Is this a record keeper or door way?
Doorway ๐
Hi Anthony, how about this herkimer crystal, is it a record keeper or door way? Thank you!
Hi Summer, it is a doorway, and a very impressive one at that ๐
This is a Herkimer crystal I bought from New York. Is this a record keeper? And the second pic is the bottom side of the same crystal, is that a door way?
Thank you,
Hi Summer, while neither feature would be a typical record keeper or doorway – my feelings is that they are indeed a Record Keeper and Doorway on this crystal! Very special ๐
Hi! I found this crystal today and while some said it was a record keeper, I’m not 100% sure. I’ve linked a video (hopefully it works) of it. The triangles aren’t really etched onto the surface like in some of the examples.
Hi Emily. That is a pineapple Quartz, also known as cascading quartz and candle stick quartz. It is not a record keeper.
Hello Anthony! You have a wonderful site! I have recently received an Auralite 23 crystal, that was said to be a Record Keeper. I was unsure whether if this crystal is a Record Keeper crystal or a Cascading crystal, or a combination of both. I would be grateful for your expertise and insight. Thank you for your guidance. I've attached a picture below.
Hi SJ, Thank You for your post and awesome photo! I LOVE these crystals, the first of it’s type I saw about 25 years ago coming out of India! Although it does have triangles, right way up and upside down, they are not actually record keeper triangles. As they are so deeply recessed, they are actually Doorways into the crystal. So VERY exciting!
Here is a long to the doorway page below…
Thank you so much for the clarity, Anthony!
I was delighted to read your post on Doorway Quartz. Given that this piece has this many of these triangle doorways (versus the usual 1 or 2 as mentioned in your Doorway Quartz post, if I am not mistaken), does that add any attribute to it? Also, is it possible for a crystal to have these Doorway triangles and also have trigonic record keepers? Because, while many of these triangles are deeply recessed, some all around the crystal are shallow and more on the surface. Was just curious, and would appreciate any of your insight! Last question, I promise lol, is: do you have any suggestions as to how to work with a crystal of this detailed structure? Thank you so much!
Yes, the multiple doorways suggest this crystal has vast libraries of information and special places to explore!
Record Keeper triangles usually sit proud on crystal termination faces, on rare occasions that they are indented, they are very shallow. So not ddoorways like your crystal. Trigonics can be a little deeper recessed, but are distinctly different from a doorway triangle, as in a lot shallower, and they just look different. One day I will post a photo of one of the largest trigonics ever found from the original pocket discovered.
Every path is different with a crystal such as yours, it is really advanced – this is not to say it is hard to work with, quite the opposite. Morin that it will have many, many access methods. The way I prefer is to gaze into one of the doorways in meditation and the doorway will appear to get larger and in my consciousness goes. It is really different for each person. It is a little like you have been given a Ferrari, and a bowl of keys which to start it. You just need to find the right key that works for your Ferrari – when you find it, ZOOOM!
Thank you so much for your reply, Anthony. I am terribly sorry for the late response, I was not aware you had replied until today! Your insight and guidance is very helpful, thank you!
Hi Anthony, I am not sure if my first attempt to submit the photo and comment went through so I apologize if you’re getting this twice. What a wonderful website you have!
Is this a Lemurian Seed Crystal and or a recorder?
thank you!
Hi Ilianna, hmmm no photo has come through. Could you please send it to and I will add it in to your post and do my best to give you an answer.
This was sent to me as a gift with a purchase – a pale Green Calcite. Looking at it I saw this pyramid shape and wondering if it is a Record Keeper?
I picked this crystal up at a shop a few months ago. The woman told me it was a record keeper. It has a triangle at the type and little markings. I wanted to get more clarification on what this crystal does. She said she had for a few years and never noticed it until I came and picked it out.
Hi Erika,
Record Keeper triangles can appear and disappear from crystals. They usually "appear" when the correct guardian turns up and in this case that would be you
I don't see Record Keeper triangles in the photo you attached, though I can certainly understand that as from personal experience I know first hand how hard they can be to photograph. I can see the Starbrary marking on the side. Record Keeper triangles are on the actual termination faces. They best way to photograph them is to get the light reflecting off the termination face like a mirror, then turn the crystal just a fraction of the degree, and the triangles will come into the view of the camera. It is a bit tricky to do while holding the crystal in one hand and the crystal in the other, but you can usually get there in the end!
Thank you so much! Here is a better picture
And there it is – the perfect Record Keeper photo – well done, want a job in New Zealand? lol
So yes, that absolutely is a record keeper!
That crystal can store any and all information within it. It only releases the information that you are ready for. Be it at the subconscious level, wherein you may be asked a question that you supply an answer too, and you might wonder “How did I know that?”. The information came from the Record Keeper. Record Keeper crystals also give access to the Akashic records and are like a an indexing tool that can cherry pick out just the information you are needing at this time. There is so many ways to interact with these crystals ๐
Comment hi there. I’m just wondering if you could tell me about the markings on this smoky quartz cluster please .
thank you in advance
these markings are called Starbrary Glyphs โ They are crystals that have stored information within them. This information was seeded by star people that visited the planet eons ago. The information will be released to the crystals new guardian via both subconscious, or conscious methods. Meditation is the most likely way to gain access, but so too can reading them by running ones fingers over the glyphs, reading it in a braille like fashion. The glyphs themselves can take many interesting shapes and are etched upon the crystal itself โ usually the sides, in rare cases, on the termination faces as well. Shapes that maybe encountered can be triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, lightning type zig zags, or even combinations of them all!
Hi, I don’t think my crystal has record keeper markings but it has this frost like pattern – any idea what this could be/mean?
thank you.
Hi Petra, the frosty layer is often a wash of a different mineral that ran over the crystal after it had formed. Sometimes it is Calcite, other times can be a different grade of quartz.
Hey! I came across this smoky quartz today. Is it a record keeper? It’s a triangle but there an extra groove aside it
Hi Rimmi, looks a lot like a doorway crystal ๐
Hi this is one of my new smoky quartz. I'm wondering about the spot on it. It feels like a scale to me. I have never seen this a spot like this ever. Thanks
Hi Angelica, That scale is a Mice crystal ๐
Hi Anthony
Thanks for sharing with us your vast knowledge ๐๐ป so glad to find this site.
Need your help to advise is the attached pic a doorway or trigonic record keeper? I have send an email to you as well as am getting issue to send the pics thru. Thanks in advance.
Hi Tanny, Thank you for your question. This crystal is a doorway – and a beautiful crystal it is!
Thank you so much for this post. Can you please tell me what you think about one of my crystals? I may have to post a few photos to show different angles.
This clearly shows a “Key” hole.
Key crystals are recognized by an indentation on the side or face of a crystal, usually, six-sided as it’s a specific type of growth interference caused by another quartz crystal. They are used to gain access to information from which you are normally excluded. Healing concepts and elusive aspects of ourselves can be unlocked. Useful for healers and intuitive diagnostics.
“Used to unlock the “doors” to healing concepts and those aspects of the self which tend to be elusive. It also assists one in accessing that which is hidden in any situation”
In this photo, you can see Starbrary Glyphs – They are crystals that have stored information within them. This information was seeded by star people that visited the planet eons ago. The information will be released to the crystals new guardian via both subconscious, or conscious methods. Meditation is the most likely way to gain access, but so too can reading them by running ones fingers over the glyphs, reading it in a braille like fashion. The glyphs themselves can take many interesting shapes and are etched upon the crystal itself โ usually the sides, in rare cases, on the termination faces as well. Shapes that maybe encountered can be triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, lightning type zig zags, or even combinations of them all!
Would you mind to let me know if my Enhydro Tibetan Quartz is a Starbrary?
Thank you so much,
Yes, I believe so. Thank you for posting and showing your crystal!
Hi! Above in your article, on Record Keeper Example Fourteen picture, what are the square or rhombus shaped etchings? Are those considered record keepers as well? I have a double terminated Columbian lemurian dow piece that has multiple square etchings on the face of it. What do those signify compared to trigonic, or triangular record keepers?
Hi Julie, those shapes are referred to as being Starbrary Glyphs – I don’t have an entry for those, but I do on our sales site. I will paste that in below…
Starbrary crystals are crystals that have markings/glyphs on the side. They are crystals that have stored information within them.ย This information was seeded by star people that visited the planet eons ago. The information will be released to the crystals new guardianย via both subconscious, or conscious methods. Meditation is the most likely way to gain access, but so too can reading them by running ones fingers over the glyphs, reading it in a braille like fashion. The glyphs themselves can take many interesting shapes and are etched upon the crystal itself – usually the sides, in rare cases, on the termination faces as well. Shapes that maybe encountered can be triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, lightning type zig zags, or even combinations of them all!
Hi, I've been gifted a lovely piece of super seven for mothers day from my daughter. Over the last few days I've been looking at it through a jewellers loop and its just fascinating, so much so I've found it hard to put down. During this closer inspection I have noticed a number of sunken upside down triangles. So my question is.. does this beauty have trigonic record keepers on it or am I wishful thinking? I have attached a pic.. Any idea's/knowledge will be most appreciated! Thank you ๐
Hello Chloe. Thank You for sharing – that looks like a wonderful crystal – and yes, it is Trigonic!
FYI my pictures did not come out in the order I wanted. The pic in my first comments is the Starbrary glyphs, and the second is the record keeper triangles.
I have come across what appears to be a record keeper crystal, but is also what may be Starbrary glyphs. Below are some pictures for you to confirm. The first is the record keep facet and the second is the Starbrary facet. Do you agree they are what I think I they are?
Hi Charlie, yes I agree, both Record Keepers and Starbrary, and it also has strong evolight resemblance.
Thank you for creating this site and your wondrous sharing and connection with us all.
I have a Ruby record-keeper, and feel you could share more with me about it. I find it interesting that you reference seeing many Ruby record keepers, yet there are none pictured in your page or others’ comments.
I hope you are mentally, psychically, and physically well and send you a blessing in my post.
I was wondering if my Lemurian quartz is a record keeper? The triangles are not a perfect shape thus a question. I’ve sent photos via email and would be grateful if you could help with uploading please.
Many thanks,
Hi Marina, Thank You for your msg and photo. This is more a Starbrary crystal with glyph’s – very, very impressive glyphs!
Starbrary crystals are crystals that have markings/glyphs on the side. They are crystals that have stored information within them. This information was seeded by star people that visited the planet eons ago. The information will be released to the crystals new guardian via both subconscious, or conscious methods. Meditation is the most likely way to gain access, but so too can reading them by running ones fingers over the glyphs, reading it in a braille like fashion. The glyphs themselves can take many interesting shapes and are etched upon the crystal itself โ usually the sides, in rare cases, on the termination faces as well. Shapes that maybe encountered can be triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, lightning type zig zags, or even combinations of them all!
This is a Herkimer Diamond I bought a couple months ago. After stumbling on record keeper crystals I decided to check my collection. I am wondering if this counts?
Thank you!
Hi Marion – for me, that would be a yes ๐
Hello there! I have a debate about raw rubies from North Carolina which I obtained yesterday. Upon cleaning g them off and studying each one, they all have various sizes of what I consider to be record keepers- all of them! But what I want to clarify is… is this growth pattern rare with rubies or is it seen all the time? I wonder about how this occurred in growth of the gem and if rubies just tend to grow this way. Please help me establish an answer. Are all rubies record keepers?
Hi Cynthia, Thank You for the awesome photo – and great find! Record Rubies such as the ones in the photo are not common at all. Yes, Rubies grow with triangular patterns, but not to the extent where they make the awesome record keepers!
Hi! I scrolled the forum and didn’t see anything (or missed it about a diamond shaped record keeper). Have you any thoughts on this? It is on a small double terminated Super 7 that was intuitively chosen for me… thanks!
Thank You for your post and Photo Brenda!
That is known as a doorway – very exciting! Check out the link below to view doorway crystal photos ๐
Dear Anthony and Team,
I have many many questions, but I understand there is a format to all of this and I want to stay within the parameters. So I will try to keep my questions brief any background info succinct. (Please forgive me in advance if my terminology is incorrect, as I am quite new to the world of crystals!).
Are all crystals and stones which have triangles considered record keepers?
I have a number of different types of crystals that have developed triangles, for example a piece of pyrite on which appeared a perfect, raised triangle directly in the middle of the stone, with more tiny triangles in other areas. Later, this triangle moved and the entire shape of the stone transformed…which definitely raised more questions but I will keep focused…is this a record keeper?). I will attach pictures. Among the other crystals that have perfect triangles, either raised or indented, are sodalite, shattuckite, and blue apatite.
Is any clearly defined shape that develops considered a record keeper? (i.e. diamond, square, circle, chevron etc).
In addition to the triangles, I am seeing an increase in a number of other shapes as well. For instance, my husband was given a piece of tumbled fluorite by our friend who started us on this crystal journey, with the purpose of helping alleviate with migraines. The first day he carried to work in his pocket, he came home and there were a number of unusual new markings on the stone. The most amazing of which was a beautiful multi-layered chevron that almost seemed to be glowing! Even more amazing was that as each member of my family and even a few friends, held and inspected the stone, we saw even more lines appear and move and other changes to the stone occur. For instance, as my twins held it, we saw rainbows forming inside. (Subsequently, I have seen them do this to other crystals such as clear quartz and amethyst). Other changes to the fluorite included a deepening of the blue-green for one person or the deepening of the purple for another. I will attach pictures of this crystal as well.
Lastly, for now, I would like to know…Do all triangles (and markings, if these others are indeed recorders) on crystals and stones hold information? And, do you have any further advice for accessing these records? I feel like I'm learning on the fly here and while I've recently received very good help and guidance in dreams and from spirit-guides including Metatron, I humbly admit I need all the help I can get with these unusual occurrences. (And I feel that I was led to this page by spirit-guides too, as this stuff has been going on for a couple months now and Ive search before but never found you!)
Thank you so much for your time, energy and expertise!
P.S. If you do choose to post my questions, and need to edit any of this out for the sake of brevity I understand!
Hello Krissy, Thank You for your post, photo and consideration! The Chevron pattern you mention in the Fluorite and other crystals like Chevron Amethyst are not record keepers as such. The Pyrite in your very good photo does have a perfect triangle, but this is it's natural form. Generally Record keeper triangles are unrelated to the form of the mother crystal. They are either little raised, or indented triangles on/in a flat face on a crystal. They do not need to be quartz, I have seen them on crystals such as Rubies, Celestite and the occasional other mineral.
In regards to accessing the crystals information, we here at Crystal Information really try to encourage the use of intuition. It is such a personal thing to access information within a crystal and their are literally countless ways to do so – however, having said that, there is no one way fits all, hence my reluctance to offer "The Way"
I was originally intuitively challenged lol I have written an article on how I got better at it at the link below, you may find some aspects of it helpful.
Hopefully I'm making sense here, it is after 2am in the morning right now lol. Thank You again!
I received this as a gift it’s a beautiful stone
ps. ur website is awesome but this comment form is super awkward to use
Hi Ethan, Thank You for your contribution. Great crystal. Yes, I would define that as a record keeper, unconventional too, but yes!
Thanks for your comment on the comment section. I’m guessing you are meaning the photos and how hard it is to attach them. I often have looked at plugins that let people upload their own photos to the server, but unfortunately these plugins have large security holes, and once I got hacked from using such a plugin – so twice shy sort of thing.
thanks for the reply. do you know of any good books on record keeper crystals? that talk about the origin of the term, etc… not just a page or two on it but a whole book on the subject?
I have recently gotten this point and I wanted to see if it was a starbrary as well as a record keeper. I wasnโt really expecting it – but when it came in the mail I noticed that there were triangular marks on 3 faces, as well as dot like glyphs and some barcode like textures on the sides.
Would love to get your help here and thanks so much in advance!
Hi Jonathan,
Thank You for your message.
Great photos and crystal! I’m not seeing starbrary markings, but I’m definitely seeing Record Keeper Triangles!!
Thank You again for sharing!
I found these two Crystal's on the same day at the same store. I have been looking for record keepers for awhile now. Hoping these are them! If so what kind? TIA. They are angel aura quartz and amethyst.
Hi Innah, Thank You so much for sharing!
OK, lets start with the amethyst, this is a Record Keeper, not just any Record Keeper, but A trigonic Record Keeper! As if Trigonics were not rare enough, the Amethyst ones that have as many upside down indented triangles such as yours are especially rare!! Awesome score! ๐ Please find some more information below by author Judy Hall….
I cannot see Record Keeper triangles on the Angel Aura Quartz, that form is known by a few names, here is the link below to learn about it’s family….
Trigonic Quartz Information by Judy Hall
Having now facilitated four workshops at which the Trigonics were used and done a great deal of personal exploration, I had amassed a pile of information that still needs further sorting out in coherent sections but pass it on now for what it is worth and in the hope that other people will be able to add to our knowledge. It is clear that everyone who works with Trigonic has a very personal experience of the stone, and that different stones and their shapes facilitate different energy and information interchanges. Nevertheless, there are underlying parallels.
I can only echo Jane Anne Dowโs feeling on first holding this quartz that it is an initiatory stone of connection to higher consciousness that โsetsโ a newly emerging/awakening spiritual pattern in place and which brings about a profound โ and continuous โ connection to that higher consciousness. (I didnโt feel that it initiated a new pattern, other stones had done that but it did settle it in.) It fits in with the concept of the holographic soul in which the soul is a hologram, part of an overall holograph which is consciousness. The overall holograph holds all potentiality and the individual hologram can link into this and trigger a โnewโ level of awareness and integration, a task which is facilitated by holding Trigonic Quartz (see The Book of Why, due out soon, for a further explanation of the holographic soul).
Before I first worked with the Trigonic, I had been working with Rainbow Quartz, Nirvana, Satyaloka, Satyamani and other high vibration stones to open the chakras above the head, especially the soul star and stellar gateway and the Trigonic immediately took me to the place where I had left off and carried me up to what I could best describe as unity consciousness. I was part of, and aware of, All That Is (which included vast interstellar and inter-dimensional states of being), and yet despite being merged with that consciousness, I retained my own personal awareness through a connection to what I personally call my Higher Self (this may be Jane Dowโs โOversoulโ). I would say that the stone took me home. This is the holograph, a โplace/state/vibrationโ with which I am very familiar and yet my connection and immersion was different through using the Trigonic. Normally although I would still be aware that the higher consciousness plane was there, I would not be so strongly plugged in as I am since holding the stone.
โIt will be as it will be and what is, is perfectโ is what the stone initially said to me. โI bring you lightโ was said later.
From the moment I first held them, my question was โis this stone fully natural, has it been grown, amended, tampered with? The stone feels like frozen foam and I, and others, wondered if the triangles had been artificially etched in any way. The stone simply did not feel like a โnormalโ crystal although it was very much alive. This question was answered some months later by the crystal beings themselves in Walter Bruneelโs channelling (see below). The Trigonics told us that they were formed from a kind of plasma that solidified and in which much information was encoded that would be released when the time was right. By our paying attention to them, they were solidifying further and coming more strongly into being.
Many people felt that the stone had a sense of humour and a playfulness about it. Having worked with the Trigonics for six months now I have established that Trigonic Quartz has more than a touch of the trickster energy to it – acting a bit like Coyote in the medicine wheel! It makes you stay with what is, be in the moment, go with the flow, whatever you want to call it. It certainly teaches that you cannot rely on consensus reality or what appears to be going to happen in even the near future – and it most definitely has its own idea about who it is going to work with and draws the most appropriate group together.
Trigonic has a very powerful connection with water, having condensed into a crystal from a plasmic energy bubble. They are psychotronic. It is like a supercomputer based on water molecules with all the crystals communicating together. They are transceivers, transmitting and receiving, and create a feedback system that goes to all souls in the group (human and crystal). Trigonics are strongly connected to the cosmic tides and to the earthโs poles and earth currents. They link to the pressure of the ice ages that compressed them into more solid form. Trigonic energy can flow through the body in waves and will be experienced at different temperatures according to the body type.
The stones requested that an essence be made โ preferably in a deep toned metal Tibetan bowl or a low toned crystal bowl – and placed in all the earthโs oceans, rivers (especially at their source) and lakes. This would open hearts and minds and, through humans eventually drinking the water, it would โdissolve the DNA coding for warโ. Many bottles of the essence have now been sent around the world โ both actually and in thought which the stones told us would be as powerful as putting the actual essence into the water.
It is clear that you have to be absolutely ready to work with this stone, having cleansed the ‘ordinary’ chakras, letting go of any emotional blockages, and having carefully done your work with other high vibration crystals to clear and open the higher chakras as a preparation. There are no short cuts. If you are carrying anything toxic, Trigonic detoxes you – fast! It’s a bit like going up a ladder to higher consciousness taking awareness of your body and the earth with you but the body has to be resonating at its highest frequency and anything that is getting in the way is removed.
The stones are themselves opening up extremely fast โ taking on substance is how they described it and they certainly feel much heavier with each workshop and working. Having ventured out to see if the time is right, and having been welcomed, they are now desperately anxious to get to work. The front rank as it were have surfaced and sent information back to the others who are monitoring the situation. Although they can do a great deal on their own account, they need compatible and harmonious human consciousness to facilitate their work. They informed us on day 1 that if our attitude to their information was respectful, then more information would be forthcoming. They also described themselves as โdevices that make remembrance of parallel realities possibleโ.
Initially, it took people a day and a half to be ready to work with the Trigonic – we gradually cleansed, opened up and accessed multi-dimensions within ourselves and the universe and, even then, one of the most experienced crystal workers was unable to work with the stone as he was told to undertake a much longer journey with the preceding crystal first. But now even people who have done little crystal work only need a chakra cleanse and rebalance, then opening with higher vibration stones โ if they are ready to fully commit to the work (again, Iโd reiterate, these stones arenโt a short cut). This opening up takes a morning or less. The Trigonics say that this is because the work they have come to do is urgent โ helping to control the oil spill, for instance, and transmuting that potentially โdestructiveโ energy into beneficial energy for the planet couldnโt wait.
The crystals โ and their information – come from a race who had great dignity and who treated everyone equally, communicating at a very high level. There is a powerful Orion and Pleidian connection but the crystal oversoul came from beyond our universe, becoming trapped way back in time. They were โlightly clothed in skinโ being more like energy beings. They, in the crystal form they have now taken, respond to sound but not high notes like tingshas, deep toned metal bowls or drums are appropriate and they will adapt to an individualโs frequency.
With this crystal, you can experience where you’ve come from, being in oneness and the Light and yet remain aware of your individuality. The crystalโs oversoul communicated that its proper name is Ogrine or Orgrine and was important for the present time as it helped to find your origins. It was experienced by many people as a vortex with pulsating triangles of light spiraling down into a pathway that led to the heart, and filling body and soul with compassionate love for what everyone and the earth is going through.
Wow. I have some catching up to do but I believe it will come at an accelerated rate seeing as I have in front of me about 20 raw ruby master record keepers. Not sure how this is going to unfold but… see you in a different vibration! Blessings.
Thanks for your comment Regina, awesome stuff!
Nice page!! I love the vibe. Well I recently started collecting crystals obsessively that I got scared… idk just a sudden attraction.. started learn about earths minerals and our connection. Itโs been a journey. So recently I bought some random items from an estate and to my surprise there was a small bag with raw tiny Rubyโs. Been having them for about a month and just yesterday I actually put them under my microscope and I was blown away. So many have triangles!! ( been messing around with growing my own crystals and wanted to see what a raw natural crystal structure looked like, since itโs hard to believe anything I see I online) I never knew much about Lemuria only herd about Atlantis. But lately I kid you not Lemuria is a topic that keeps stalking me, it almost seems that way. The triangle is constantly popping up on me. My favorite necklace/ choker is an mossagate with facet triangle on one side and upside down triangle on the other. I keep it on. What should I make of this.maybe Iโm just being crazy. Help
Thank You so much for your comment and question. In short, no you are not going crazy. I believe the more accurate term would be “Awakened”. It is very important you keep going with the flow. Finding/attracting all these record keepers and bumping into all these Lemurian references is the universe showing you that you are an important cog in the machine for gathering and reintroducing both old and new information. Simply by gaining and comprehending knowledge helps spread the understanding across the planet for others to pick up on. As your understanding permeates through general consciousness, it helps raise it. So carry on this new exciting journey – buckle up and enjoy the ride!
Sweet, thanks for the info… and there is definently triangles on the angel aura it was hard to photograph them because they are either really small or engraved in the side .I'll take another photo and send it to you. I need to cleanse my chakras before I work with them for sure. I havent decided how yet.
Yes, Record Keeper triangles can be hard to photograph. I find the easiest way is to get the light reflecting off the termination face like a mirror, then turn the crystal a fraction, then they appear and you snap them fast!
Enjoy working with these special crystals.
What does it mean when the crystal has upside triangles and inside down triangles ?
Ahh, sorry I did not make that connection clearer yesterday. It is the upside down triangles that signifies a Trigonic Record Keeper, from which I pasted in the information about yesterday. The triangles facing up are straight Record Keepers.
No what I mean to say is that the angel aura quartz has both types of triangles on it. So it has upside down triangles and upright triangles on one stone. I've never heard of or seen that before.
While Trigonics are rare, it is not unusual for them to have both types of triangles you are describing, particularly the family yours is (Cascading Quartz From Inner Mongolia). The great thing is these crystals have both sets of attributes ๐
So I got a spirit quartz AND a huge herkimer diamond that are BOTH RECORD KEEPERS!!! Its amazing. I had 4 now within one months time. I wonder what that means for me.
Hi Innah, Thank you for your message. Crystals like record keepers are attracted to people who are ready to process the information they have to share. And this understanding and information can then be shared by the recipient to others, more often at an etheric level. (Other sensitive types pick up on your new information and it gets shared throughout the population on an sub-conscious level). That is how new information, ideas, and inventions can pop up seemingly independent of each other yet simultaneously all over the World.
I bought this in Cave City Ky, and the guy said it was a double generator record keeper. I don’t see pyramids. He said it was a record keeper bc of the lines in it. The pictures you have are stunning. I will try to upload mine so maybe you can shred some light. Thank you
Thank you for your comment and photos! Record Keepers are notoriously hard to photograph. I cannot see any Record Keeper triangles, but that by no way means there aren’t any! The best way to find them is to hold the crystal in such a way that the light reflects of the termination face like a mirror, then turn the crystal of so slightly and you will see the triangles. Repeat with each termination face. I’m not sure about the Generator side of things though. True generators have all 6 termination faces reaching the very tip of the crystal. They are actually quite rare. Thank You again for sharing!
Hi, I have a quartz sphere with triangles that appear on the inside, they look holographic. There are at least a dozen triangles, plus there are triangles inside of triangles. Is there any difference between what I have & ones that have etchings? (The pictures I sent are of the same sphere in different lighting.)
Thank you, Lorna
Hi Lorna,
Thank You for your e-mail and photos.
I can honestly say that I have never seen anything like that before! That is a very special sphere indeed. My feelings are that yes, it is very much a Record Keeper, but furthermore, it is a multi dimensional aspect to the records you will have access too given they are internal and holographic. Absolutely phenomenal!
Thank you so much for your reply!! At first I thought I was imagining the triangles…. wishing that they were truly there.. Needless to say… I freaked out…. the sphere itself is so beautiful… I had to have it… I can't wait to hear what it has to tell me!!
Love & Gratitude, Lorna
My friend found this giant quartz cluster just sitting in the middle of the woods. I traded my extra flat screen tv for it:) I believe in one of the faces there are three record keeper triangles. But They feel raised though? I’m sure there are many many more unique features I get to figure out on this beauty!
Alexis recently contacted me via email to show me a very special crystal – a Montana Montana Sapphire Record Keeper – Wow! Check out the photo below!
Recently I have learned about Record Keepers and decided to check my crystal out. I have many photos with many different triangles. Can I send a copy of the photos to you? There have to be more than 50 record keepers throughout the crystal and the photos are really crisp. I would like to share this knowledge. They are so incredible not to show everyone who is interested in this wonderful treasure.
Hi Michelle, Yes, by all means please do send your photo/s along to
Thank You for sharing!
Namaste Anthony,
Thank you for providing this forum and sharing your knowledge. After stumbling upon your site looking for information on Trigonic Quartz I looked through my collection and noted a crystal that I believe to be a Lemurian Seed crystal and also noted that it is also a record keeper. After holding it for a while I noted more triangles appeared on one face. I also noted what looked like a portal on one side but not on a face. I will forward pics to your email for your review. Any thoughts of what type of crystal this is would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your support !
Hi Robert, thanks for sharing! I will await the pics, have not seen them yet.
Thank You!
Hi Anthony, I attempted to send a video which didn't go through due to large file size. I just sent 4 pictures of the crystal in question to your email. Thanks again for your support!
Hi Robert,
Good news, yes the crystal is definitely a Record Keeper, and yes, it does indeed have a very well formed Keyhole Doorway – nice!
Namaste Anthony,
Thanks for the confirmation. Please keep up the great work on this site!
Hi Anthony, I recently purchased a record keeper – it is a large Celestite point with quite a lot of indented triangles, however there is also one small raised triangle. How usual is it to have a Celestite record keeper. I don't seem to be able to upload some photo's but maybe there is a e-mail that I can send it to so that you can have a look?
Hi Retha,
Thank You for your comment, I have attached a photo of your very stunning and rare Celestite Record Keeper crystal!
Hi just learning about these crystals and I think I’ve got one. It had about 5 small raised crystals and 4 raised big crystals that almost come to a point in the center. Almost like it’s 3d. Please let me know what you think.

P.S. Not sure if it matters but it also has lines.
Hi Kasey, thank you for your contribution! Yes, that is definitely a very fine record keeper. It looks to be a Lemurian Seed crystal too! Here is a link to Lemurian Seed information below…
Good Evening and Happy 2018 Everyone! I'm new to this thread but started learning about crystals and stones about 3 years ago and recently realized I have what I believe is one of these beautiful specimens. I saw a bunch of tiny triangles on 1 face, all pointing upwards and they're all sunken in…when looking up why this would be in or on a quartz point; I found this page. Would it be possible for me to email pictures for possible confirmation? I'm just curious as many of the triangles on these look larger and less numerous.
Hello Becks, and a Happy 2018 to you too!
Welcome to the crystal path of learning! By the sounds of the description, the crystal sounds very interesting!
Yes, please do send photos to and I will attempt to help you ID it!
Aloha, I too am new at learning and collecting crystals!! I couldn't be more happy! I have just learned about the record keepers! I bought 2 little clear quartz with record keepers on the big island! When I got back to mMaui I looked at a few of mine and I saw this! It blew my mind away! It is a Apophyllite with Stilbite! This is such a beautiful crystal. I will try and figure out how to send a picture? I can send it to your email! I'm over the moon excited about this one!
Mahalo, Rhonda
Aloha Rhonda, sounds exciting! Thank You for sharing. You can email me the images at
Rock on!
I have several record keepers – some which with the triangle visible when I got it, some it became visible afterward. Recently I found a crystal that doesn't meet the definition of a record keeper but it still seems significant. There is material embedded in the quartz crystal; my guess is copper or algae of some sort based on the color. One of the termination faces has a triangular hole in the material, it also looks like this extends into the crystal like a column. I wondered if you have any thoughts. (It is also a Dow)
Hello Julie,
Thank You for your message. Record Keeper triangles can and indeed do appear where they once were not! The triangular recess you mention sounds like it could be a doorway? Check out the link below. BTW, my apologies for the late reply, I found your comment just now in the spam folder, I’m working on making that less sensitive!
I have had a crystal image in my minds eye the last few days of a clear Quartz crystal facet with a single triangle on it but didn't know why & yesterday out of the clear blue a friend asked if I had a record keeper crystal. I'd never heard of that term but instantly knew the connection to my minds eye image. I went thru my crystals & sure enough one had a perfect triangle on one facet (which I will email to you for confirmation) & a much smaller one (can't seem to catch it for photo.) I am fascinated with this now! A friend gave me your link & I am grateful to have found it! Thanks for letting me share my excitement! Cyndy
Hi Cyndy,
Thank You for taking the time to share your exciting experience! That is a superb Record Keeper you have there – the number of smaller triangles on the back face of the crystal signifies it is a Master Record Keeper – A truly rare breed!
Please find the photos of Cyndy’s exciting crystal below!
Have you ever heard of a record keeper growing from within? A beautiful record keeper has recently found its way to me through the exchange of many hands. Just within the last few days what first looked like an inclusion of some sort has sprouted from the surface with a small crystal protruding from within. As of today it is now about 1/16th of an inch above the surface of the main crystal. Many other unusual features have manifested with this crystal. I hesitate on speaking of this for now, however. Thank you for any info you may be able to share.
Hi Marilee,
Thank You for your msg, I apologize for the late reply! Though I have never heard of the specific experience you are having, I have absolutely seen crystals change their physical appearance and shape. I have also had record keepers appear that were not there previously. I believe these things change when the crystal is in the presence of a person that is running at the vibration to receive such gifts of learning and experience. Enjoy!
My most favorite crystal that i have revealed itself to be a record keeper with dozens of triangles on every face, and I was beyond happy. Just recently I have also read about starbrary crystals (pretty much record keepers programed by those of another race from outside our planet), and it turned out that markings on my crystal that I thought were just imperfections on its sides were actually glyphs!
Is it possible to have a crystal that is a record keeper AND a starbrary? I'd also love to send you photos but I'm not sure how from this particular comment area.
Cheers and I hope to hear back soon!
– Callie L.
Hi Callie,
In answer to your question – YES, a crystal can absolutely be both a record keeper and a starbrary crystal!
If you have a photobucket style account, you can upload your photo to that, and then add it in to this comments area by clicking on the little postcard looking image next to the smiley face and paste in the photos photobucket (or equivalent) url and it is done. If you do not have such an account, no problemo email it to us and we will put it in for you!
The email address to use is
Hi Callie – Thank You for sending in the photos of your wonderful Starbrary Record Keeper crystal! Here it is folks! WOW!!!!
WOW, awesome crystal – great photo. Thank you for posting!
I bought a crystal that manifested and then dented recordkeeper after I held it for a while could you tell me more about this. ?I even went back to the store where I purchased it because the owners head examined it closely because I had some questions about some phantoms inside of it they both concurred that there was no indented recordkeeper on the Crystal when I bought it thank you.
Hi There,
I have heard of this before with record keeper crystals. When they come into contact with the right person, they develop one or more record keeper triangles that were not there previously. Crystals are viewed by many as living beings, and they can and do change. I myself have had crystals change in physical form over time. It is not a common occurrence, so congratulations on your very special experience with your new crystal friend ๐
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