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Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Cathedral Quartz forms in the shape of castle/cathedrals. They come in Smoky, Clear and Citrine Quartz Flavors. In the 90’s a Brazilian family started calling Amethyst geodes Cathedrals. We know them as the crystals you see in the photos below.

Intuitive Healing – Spiritual Trigger Words & Phrases For Cathedral Quartz

Here at, We like to fully encourage people to use their intuition when it comes to crystals! We believe that every individual is unique, so too is every crystal, thus a unique experience will always occur! Read More
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Cathedral Quartz Crystal Healing & Properties Information

For what and How Does One Use it?

Clear Cathedrals (they can be clear Citrine or clear Smoky) are referred to as Lightbrary Cathedrals. These crystals have doorways in their castling formation. To travel into the crystal, simply relax and gaze into the doorway. Once your mind, body and spirit are ready, you will see the doorway open and your consciousness will be drawn into the crystal. From there you can travel into different chambers and receive information that you are ready for at that time. You may also travel in inner and outer spacial dimensions in complete safety within the crystal.

Cathedral crystals are very rare, and seem to arrive in waves. There is not to much more to say about Cathedrals as everyone’s experience of them is usually unique to the crystal/person combination at that time.

Cathedral Quartz Galleries


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Cathedral Quartz Crystal


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Citrine Cathedral Quartz


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Lightbrary Cathedral Quartz Wand


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Smoky Cathedral Quartz


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Citrine Cathedral Quartz Crystal


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Citrine Lightbrary Cathedral Quartz Crystal


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Citrine Cathedral Quartz Crystal


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Smoky Cathedral Quartz Crystal


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Cathedral Quartz Crystal


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Smoky Cathedral Quartz Crystal


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Cathedral Quartz Crystal


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Cathedral Quartz


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Smoky Cathedral Quartz Crystal


Cathedral Quartz Properties and Meaning

Citrine Cathedral Quartz Crystal

Click the Cathedral Quartz Crystal below for a high resolution photo!

Click the Cathedral Quartz Crystal below for a high resolution photo!

Click the Cathedral Quartz Crystal below for a high resolution photo!

Click the Cathedral Quartz Crystal below for a high resolution photo!

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