Goshenite Properties and Meaning
Goshenite is a member of the Beryl family. It comes in both massive and crystalline form, with color ranging from white to clear white. This mineral is readily available. Read more about Goshenite healing properties information and view photo galleries below.
Goshenite Fast Facts
Goshenite Physical Properties
Goshenite Healing Properties and Meaning
Intuitive Healing – Spiritual Trigger Words & Phrases For Goshenite
General Goshenite Crystal Healing Information
For what and How Does One Use it?
Goshenite is often referred to as the “Mother of all crystals”, it has a special focus on feminine energy. Motherly qualities are amplified and brought to the surface.
Goshenite is a stone of clarity and truth. This crystal helps look into the self and others in terms of sincerity and honesty. It encourages honoring the traits of loyalty, integrity and respect for oneself and others.
Goshenite brings peace and calm to those who suffer from severe mood swings, depression and hormonal imbalance conditions such as PMS and ADHD. It is a stone that gives one composure and the ability make good decisions, in order to move forward in times of great stress and chaos.
On the physical level, Goshenite improves eyesight, insomnia, allergies and sinusitis, and strengthens the immune system. Used in elixir form, it detoxifies and energizes the body.
Goshenite Crystal Galleries and High Resolution Photo
Goshenite With Mica
Terminated Goshenite Specimen
Goshenite Crystal
Goshenite in Matrix