Angelite Properties and Meaning – Angelite is a member of the Sulfate family. It comes in both massive and crystalline form (Anhydrite), with colors from grey to sky blue. Read more about Angelite healing properties information and view photo galleries with high resolution photo below.
Angelite Physical Properties
Common Locations
Colors & Variations
Is in three directions forming rectangles
Index of Refraction
nα = 1.567–1.574 nβ = 1.574–1.579 nγ = 1.609–1.618
Specific Gravity
Approximately 3.0
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Angelite Healing Properties and Meanings
Chakra Associations
Throat, Third Eye
Emotional Influence
Empathy, Calming
Spiritual Gifts
Communication With Angelic Realm
Diseases Treated
Headaches, Thyroid, Sleep Apnea
Psychological Influence
Self Confidence
Physical Body
Throat, ears (Hearing)
Intuitive Healing – Spiritual Trigger Words & Phrases For Angelite
Here at, We like to fully encourage people to use their intuition when it comes to crystals. We believe that every individual is unique. So too is every crystal, thus a unique experience will always occur! Read More
General Angelite Crystal Healing Information
For what and How Does One Use it?
Angelite, being Anhydrite that has been crushed over millions of years, passes on the knowledge of keeping cool, calm and collected when finding oneself under pressure. As the name would suggest it gives one a direct link to the angelic realm. It alleviates fear and anxiety and promotes empathy for others’ plights and situations.
Meditate with Angelite to enhance psychic healing and telepathic communication abilities and to facilitate astral travel and spirit journeys.
It is not a good idea to cleanse Angelite in water as it will become damaged. Smudging or using conscious intent is the way to go when cleansing this stone.
Angelite Crystal Galleries and High Resolution Photo
Massive Form Angelite (Anhydrite)
Angelite Rough Form (Anhydrite)
Angelite Goddess
Angelite Pendulum
Click the Angelite Crystal below for a high resolution photo!
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My Angelite crystal is almost transparent to the eye – why is this?
Hi Lizelle,
That looks to be a polished Quartz crystal with Lepricosite (Hematite) inclusions.
Comment *my angelite has black veins forming on it
I noticed my Angelite rocks growing many white dots, and one has white dots and is turning light cloudy brown. Does anyone know what this mean(s)? Any recommendation(s) on how to cleanse the rocks?
Thanks, kk
Hi Kelleu,
Could you please send a photo to of what you are describing so I may better assist you please?
Kelleu, I read that Angelite can develop white dots if exposed to water, due to its calcium content. Could that be what’s going on, somehow?
Okay my Angelite has white spots on it any reason why its happening
Angelite is very sensitive to water damage, just droplets can cause it to get white dots – that may of happened in your case.
I see almost everywhere that angelite is identical with anhydrite, that is CaSO4, with a specific gravity around 2.9. Celestite on the contrary is SrSO4, and as Strontium is a heavier element than Calcium, the SG of celestite is higher, almost 4.0.
If Angelite was a crushed celestite, as you say, the SG would be expected to be even higher than 4.0 and this is not the case, obviously! You should correct your information on Angelite.
Hi Jorge,
Thank You for pointing that out – Angelite has now been updated 🙂