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Generator Quartz Crystal Properties and Meaning

These crystals have ALL SIX termination faces reaching the very top of the termination. Majestic Quartz refer to this configuration as being “True Generators”. They are very rare!  Read more information and view photos showing Generator Quartz Crystal below.

General Generator Quartz Crystal Information

For what and How Does One Use it?

As their name would suggest, these crystals generate energy. They also amplify other types of crystals energy. One may touch these other types/styles of crystals against the sides of the Generator Quartz crystal. It will receive, integrate, amplify and then project that energy outwards – making it available for everyone and everything to use. One may use these crystals for manifestation or crystal programming purposes. Because they generate so much energy, they are also ideal partners to use for crystal protection.

Quartz Generator crystals are ideal to use within group meditations. Especially ones that involve six people, one person per termination face – though this is not compulsory. Generator crystals can and do accommodate any number of people being involved. They can receive many ideas, then help merge them into one cohesive single master plan. These master crystals then blast that plan out in the form of light codes outwards into the universe – vastly amplifying and accelerating the manifestation process!

We here at Crystal Information do not consider cut and polished crystals to be true generators, as they have been reconfigured by the hand of humankind, not born into it as true generators have been.


Generator Quartz Crystals generally quite rare and hard to get hold of. Many crystal dealers sell other configurations as being generators. The photo galleries below show many examples of Generator Quartz Crystals. These images are harvested from the majestic-quartz archives which contain more than 100,000 photos going back more than 15 years!
Majestic Quartz may just possibly have Generator Quartz Crystal specimens available, click HERE to search for them.

Generator Quartz Crystal Galleries


Generator Quartz Properties and Meaning Example Photo 1

Clear Generator Quartz Crystal


Generator Quartz Properties and Meaning

Milky Generator Quartz Crystal


Generator Quartz Properties and Meaning

Generator Quartz Crystal


Generator Quartz Properties and Meaning

Cascading Generator Quartz Crystal


Generator Quartz Properties and Meaning

Generator Quartz Crystal


Generator Quartz Properties and Meaning

Smoky Quartz Generator Crystal


Generator Quartz Properties and Meaning

Smoky Quartz Generator Crystal


Generator Quartz Properties and Meaning

Smoky Quartz Generator Crystal


Generator Quartz Properties and Meaning

Generator Quartz Crystal


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Candlestick Generator Quartz Crystal


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Smoky Quartz Generator Crystal


Generator Quartz Properties and Meaning

Pineapple Quartz Generator Crystal

Click on the Generator Quartz Crystal photo for a high resolution image!


Quartz Generator Healing Properties & Meaning Video


Quartz Generator Healing Properties & Meaning Video


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