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Tantric Twin Quartz Properties and Meaning

Tantric Twin quartz have two terminations sharing the same crystal body. One may be wider and/or taller then the other. These crystals form in most of the different Quartz varieties. Read more information with photos showing Tantric Twins below.

General Tantric Twin Quartz Information

For what and How Does One Use it?

These crystals are fantastic for teaching oneness, and tolerance for others whom we need to work with. Tantric Twin crystals are also very good for working through relationship issues with partners. If one of the tantric twin terminations is larger than the other – this signifies a crystal with a parent/child – student/teacher focus.

In order to utilize Tantric Twin Quartz properties, place the crystal between the two parties. Concentrate on opening ones heart and ears while communicating with the other party concerned. Another way to use the crystal is for each person to hold it while they are doing the talking. Tantric Twins are very helpful in guiding us to a balanced and fair resolution to just about any issue that can arise. Another gift these wonderful crystals have to share is tolerance, particularly towards those one needs to share space and resources with.

Meditating with a Tantric Twin Quartz crystal can help couples to understand that even though their journeys are connected, they have separate identities. So even though they may have different interests and ideals, they can still coexist in a unified and harmonious way – Two expanded halves make for a better balanced and harmonious “Whole”.

Tantric Twin Quartz crystals make for excellent partners in helping two people work together to achieve a common goal. The cohesive co-operative energy they emanate helps the manifestation progress. Tantric twin Quartz crystals are very receptive to duel input crystal programming and can easily handle different methods of receiving conscious intent from each of the human participants.

The flavor of the crystal a Tantric Twin forms in can have a profound effect as to the gifts that are provided. An Amethyst Tantric Twin brings a soothing calming, yet creative energy to the equation. Smoky Quartz brings harmonizing and grounding energy to conflicting emotions. Citrine brings boundless combined personal power, joy and creative manifestation energy. Clear Quartz brings balance, reason and a higher state of consciousness for both parties concerned.


Tantric Twin Quartz Crystals are fairly readily available. The photo galleries below show many examples of Tantric Twin Quartz. These images are harvested from the majestic-quartz archives which contain more than 100,000 photos going back more than 15 years!

Tantric Twin Quartz Properties and Meaning


Tantric Twin Quartz Properties and Meaning Page Video


Tantric Twin Quartz Galleries


Tantric Twin Quartz Properties and Meaning

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Tantric Twin Quartz Properties and Meaning

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Tantric Twin Clear Quartz Crystal


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Tantric Twin Quartz Properties and Meaning

Tantric Twin Quartz Crystal


Tantric Twin Quartz Properties and Meaning

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Tantric Twin Quartz Properties and Meaning

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Tantric Twin Quartz Properties and Meaning

Smoky Quartz Tantric Twin Crystal


Tantric Twin Quartz Properties and Meaning

Tantric Twin Clear Quartz Crystal

Click on the Tantric Twin Quartz photo for a high resolution image!

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