Skeletal Quartz Properties and Meaning
These crystals build up layer upon layer giving them a skeletal like effect. The king of the Skeletal families would have to be the Elestial! Read more information and view photos showing Skeletal Quartz below, complete with high resolution images.
General Skeletal Quartz Information
For what and How Does One Use it?
Skeletal Quartz crystals are all about layers, be that peeling away layers of a puzzle to get an answer, or even building up layers of knowledge to understand the complete picture.
Meditating with these crystals is a wonderful way to get to the core of an issue. Then helping one build up an ever deepening understanding – layer, by layer.
Sometimes the crystals have other minerals trapped between the layers, or even water – turning the into an Enhydro Quartz crystal. These inclusions add to the overall abilities and effects these crystals exhibit.
It is worth noting: Though many Elestial Quartz crystals are indeed skeletal, that does not necessarily mean every Skeletal Quartz crystal is an Elestial. There are many different types of Quartz crystals that can form in skeletal layers.
Skeletal crystals are readily available, often in Elestial Quartz form. The photo galleries below show many examples of Skeletal Quartz. These images are harvested from the majestic-quartz archives which contain more than 100,000 photos going back more than 15 years!
Skeletal Quartz Properties and Meaning Page Video
Skeletal Quartz Galleries
Skeletal Quartz Elestial
Skeletal Smoky Quartz Crystal
Bottom of Skeletal Quartz Showing the layers
Skeletal Etched Quartz Crystal
Bottom of Skeletal Quartz Showing the layers
Skeletal Smoky Quartz Crystal
Skeletal Citrine Quartz Crystal
Skeletal Quartz Crystal
Skeletal Quartz Termination
Smoky Amethyst Skeletal Quartz Crystal
Multi Layered Skeletal Quartz Crystal
Skeletal Elestial Quartz Crystal
Skeletal Elestial Overlay Quartz Crystal
Bottom of Skeletal Smoky Rose Quartz Showing the layers
I bought a new enydro quartz and I think there’s a skeletal formation on the bottom if not do you have any ideas of what it is I have other pics to show if needed
Hi Kaliana, yes that is most definitely skeletal – very skeletal!
Comment *Hi!
Can you tell me what you make of this stone I have? Is this a Smokey Skeletal Quartz? Is this a keeper?
Hi Carolina, this is a smoky quartz elestial with skeletal structure – very, very nice!
Comment *hey was wondering if you knew what these little orange/red specs are inside this one? Also, I think there’s a triangle shape in the middle, is there significance to that?
Hi Kasey, great crystal! Usually, the red specks can either be red clay inclusions, or hematite. I can the largest lot looks like clay. Both clay and hematite have wonderful energies! the triangle is quite common for skeletals, they can also be called doorways….
Comment *I bought this as a "Skeltal Elestial Candle Quartz" is this the real deal? What are you seeing to know it is? Thank you for sharing your knowledge!!
Hi Chris, definitely candle quartz (aka cascading quartz) “kind of has some skeletal form, not so much elestial.
Also is it too hopeful to think it has a record keeper ? There's like a small triangle on this side. Much thanks for your help
It looks like it could be yes 🙂
Hi Anthony, I'm new to collecting. Would you say this a skeletal smoky quartz ? It's a unique shape. Thanks
Hi Wayne, yes it is a Skeletal Smoky Quartz – Great Crystal!
My 2 skeletal amethysts have a white film on the crystals. It looks like you should be able to scratch it off, but you cannot. I've included an image.
Is this a natural growth? I've only had them for a short while and they were on my book shelf the whole time. They are not in direct sunlight (my curtains are usually drawn anyway). Not sure what it could be.
Any insight is appreciated. Thank you.
Hi Janeen, I know that Amethyst family well, they have a light coating of calcite on them. The ebay sellers cover them with oil to hide it, as they dry, the white calcite becomes apparent.
Thank you Anthony (Sorry for the delay as I never received notification that you responded!)
I didn't purchase them from eBay, rather a crystal seller. Her supplier might have done what you said (oil) when she purchased them as she didn't notice the whiteness (nor did I when I first saw the photos prior to purchase).
Appreciate the help!
I love this crystal, but would like to know more about it. My guess is citrine quartz. Any advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
I apologize if you get this email more than once, it is having trouble going through.
Hi Tammie, Thank you for sharing! The crystal is a light Smoky. Being skeletal it has layers and at some point it looks like a combination of oxides and clay have seeped into one of the layers giving it the gold color. This is a regular occurrence and not a bad thing at all! The fact that it is double terminated is very cool. It appears to be like two crystals grown together to make one. So there will be a great focus on unity and harmony within just about any kind of relationship one could think of 🙂 (The delay you mention will have been the time it takes for your photo to upload to the server – thank you for persisting!)
Hi Sabrina, this is a cascading overlay Dual Core crystal 🙂
Hi, Anthony!
I have purchased a crystal that was sold us a "skeletal smoky crystal quartz". However, this crystal does not look to me like a skeletal quartz. What kind of formation is it?…
I have sent you the photos to your email.
Thank you,
Hi Polina, Greetings from New Zealand!
The crystal in question is from the Cascading/Pineapple/Candlestick family. Technically it could be described as a two layer Skeletal….kind of!
Here is a link to that families page….