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Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Sapphire is a member of the Corundum family. It comes in crystalline form, with color ranging from Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Violet, White and Yellow. Read more about Sapphire crystal healing properties information and view the beautiful photo galleries below.

Sapphire Fast Facts

Sapphire Physical Properties

Physical Makeup
Variety Of
Common Locations
Afghanistan, Australia, Myanmar, Colombia, India, Pakistan
Colors & Variations
Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Violet, White, Yellow


Index of Refraction
nω=1.768–1.772, nε=1.760–1.763
Specific Gravity
For Sale @ Majestic Quartz?
No, but we do recommend – Sapphires for sale

Sapphire Healing Properties and Meaning

Chakra Associations
Solar Plexus
Subtle Bodies
Emotional, Astral, Auric
Zodiac Sign:
Gemini, Libra
Positions On Body
Musical Note
Emotional Influence
Antidepressant, Clarity
Spiritual Gifts
Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Astral Projection
Diseases Treated
Heart & Kidney Related
Nutrients Boosted
Psychological Influence
Self Clarity, Inspiration
Physical Body
Pituitary Gland, Intestinal Tract

Intuitive Healing – Spiritual Trigger Words & Phrases For Sapphire

Here at, We like to fully encourage people to use their intuition when it comes to crystals! We believe that every individual is unique, so too is every crystal, thus a unique experience will always occur! Read More
Self Identity

General Sapphire Crystal Healing Information

For what and How Does One Use it?

Sapphire provides an exciting, dynamic, creative and loving energy. It helps to bring the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies into alignment. This stone has strong anti-depression properties and is fantastic for relieving built up tension and anxieties.

On a physical level – Sapphire stimulates the regeneration of the intestinal tract and pituitary gland. Nutrient assimilation is greatly improved as a result – As is performance of all the bodies glands.

Sapphire may be worn anywhere on the body, and it is recommended that direct connection upon the skin is very beneficial in utilizing the amazing properties this special crystal has to offer.

There are several types/colors of Sapphire, and we will now cover these below! (quick jump links are provided below)

Star Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Star Sapphire amplifies the properties already present in each type and flavor of Sapphire.

The star represents the totality of the “All that is” in the process of creation.  We are all created from star dust, and the bright star found in Star Sapphire serves as a reminder of this.

The  star effect draws you deeper into the crystal and into yourself. Meditate with Star Sapphire to fully realize this amazing effect. Not only does it focus us upon ourselves, it also brings about a better understanding regarding the intentions of others.

Star Sapphire Gallery


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Black Star Sapphire


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Green Star Sapphire

Click on The Star Sapphire Below For a High Resolution Photo!

Black Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Black Sapphire promotes self confidence and self esteem. Being black, it has strong grounding abilities. This stone is especially good for retaining, translating and importantly “grounding” channeled material – making it more readily accessible for all to receive and understand.

Black Sapphire provides a calming influence on the mind, body and spirit. It has a special focus on helping one deal with sadness and grief. Black Sapphire provides a steady helping hand upon ones shoulder in time of need.

Black Sapphire Gallery


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Black Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Black Sapphire Specimen


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Black Sapphire Ring


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Star Black Sapphire

Click on the image below for a high resolution desktop photo of a Black Sapphire!

Blue Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Blue Sapphire helps you connect with the flow of love at all levels. It helps one to dispel self doubts, and embrace their intuition and natural abilities. This stone helps one to reach their full creative potential, guiding and encouraging this “peak” in both a manageable and sustainable fashion.

On a physical level, Blue Sapphire helps to clear toxicity build up in all the major organs and lymphatic system. It stimulates the electrical flow within the brain and nervous system.

Blue Sapphire Gallery


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Blue Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Star Blue Sapphire


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Blue Sapphire Gem

Click on the images below for a high resolution desktop photo of a Blue Sapphire!


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Blue Sapphire Mineral Specimen


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Blue Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Blue Sapphire Specimen

Click on the images below for a high resolution desktop photo of a Blue Sapphire!

Green Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Green Sapphire activates the heart chakra on both physical and emotional levels. It enables a strong sense of empathy towards the traits and plights of others.

In times of trouble and chaos, Green Sapphire brings about a change in fortune – smoothing out the dis-harmonious energies in one’s life. Sleeping with this stone encourages beautiful vivid dreams, along with recall and interpretation upon awakening.

Green Sapphire focuses one on the value of integrity, loyalty and the importance of seeing things through.

Green Sapphire Gallery


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Star Green Sapphire


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Green Sapphire Gemstone


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Green Sapphire Specimen


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Green Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Green Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Green Sapphire Ring

Click on the image below for a high resolution desktop photo of a Green Sapphire!

Orange Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Orange Sapphire is the stone of “self truth”, as it does not let you fool yourself at any level. It forces you to look at things in their basic and pure form without distorting the facts in order to conform to what you would wish it could be. This is the stone of true knowledge, thus would be good for any student to work with.

Orange Sapphire activates the joyful energies that reside in the sacral chakra, bursting forth with creative energy! This fresh vibrant energy helps one to launch into auspicious projects with a never ending abundance of enthusiasm and purpose!

Orange Sapphire Gallery


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Orange Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Orange Sapphire Crystal

Click on the image below for a high resolution desktop photo of a Orange Sapphire!


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Faceted Orange Sapphire Gemstones


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Orange Sapphire Gemstone

Click on the image below for a high resolution desktop photo of a Orange Sapphire!

Pink Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Pink Sapphire helps one put aside ego in order to contribute to the greater good. It helps us put faith in the superior experience, abilities and judgement of others in their chosen fields. This stone brings forward the wisdom and knowledge that true power often lies in the ability to live in vulnerability.

Pink Sapphire brings forth the emotions of love, forgiveness and acceptance. With these tools in place, one is far more able to “let go” of negative emotions, feelings and memories that are holding back positive progress. It brings the heart and mind into alignment once again, enabling one to place trust in forming fresh relationships. This then leads to the rediscovery of the joy that communication and companionship with others brings.

Pink Sapphire Gallery


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Pink Sapphire Crystal on Matrix


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Pink Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Pink Sapphire Ring


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Pink Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Pink Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Pink Sapphire on Matrix

Click on the image below for a high resolution desktop photo of a Pink Saphire!

Violet Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Violet Sapphire brings the energy of spiritual awakening. The crown chakra is opened – bringing a wave of new light into the mind, body and spirit. This special crystal then steps in to help one handle this flood of new energy that otherwise may have caused sensory overload!

Violet Sapphire helps us realize everything and every one is connected – that being in service to the greater good is a very noble and empowering way to live life. Meditating with this amazing crystal enhances psychic vision and communication with spiritual guides.

Violet Sapphire Gallery


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Violet Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Violet Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Violet Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Violet Sapphire Crystal on Matrix


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Violet Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Faceted Violet Sapphire Gemstone

Click on the image below for a high resolution desktop photo of a Violet Sapphire!

White Sapphire Properties and Meaning

White Sapphire helps one value, and take care of oneself. It points out the futility of wallowing in wave after wave of worry. Worry is praying for what you don’t want in life, and this stone casts it’s white light of truth on that fact! This stone inspires one to reach full potential – all the while keeping the values of integrity and modesty intact.

White Sapphire brings clarity of spirit and conscious thought. This harmony creates a fantastic platform from which to transform old holding patterns into exciting progressive and positive change. This powerful stone illuminates ones spiritual path, blasting away otherwise unseen impediments and obstacles in the way.

White Sapphire Gallery


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Faceted White Sapphire Gemstone


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

White Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

White Sapphire Crystal

Click on the image below for a high resolution desktop photo of a White Sapphire!


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Faceted White Sapphire Gemstone


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

White Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

White Sapphire Ring

Click on the image below for a high resolution desktop photo of a White Sapphire!

Yellow Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Yellow Sapphire collates all your inner knowledge into a readily accessible database for your conscious mind to utilize. This also gives you direction on where further study is required in order to fill gaps in ones personal knowledge base.

This is the Sapphire of manifesting and abundance. When used with integrity, Yellow Sapphire can bring about a positive change in ones financial affairs. This crystal stimulates the intellect to bring forth creative, yet pragmatic solutions to complex assignments. All the while this is happening, one’s Sacral Chakra is also stimulated, thus the manifestation energy is provided to bring the pre-mentioned solutions from the intellect into physical being. All this creativity and achievement brings about an abundance of happiness, joy and excitement!

Yellow Sapphire Gallery


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Yellow Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Yellow Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Faceted Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

Click on the image below for a high resolution desktop photo of a Yellow Sapphire!

Click on the image below for a high resolution desktop photo of a Yellow Sapphire!

[imageeffect image=”4367″ css_animation=”appear” align=”aligncenter” alt=”Sapphire Properties and Meaning” titleoverlay=”yes” lightbox=”yes” link=”×1080.jpg” target=”_blank”]


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Yellow Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Yellow Sapphire Crystal


Sapphire Properties and Meaning

Yellow Sapphire Crystal

Click on the image below for a high resolution desktop photo of a Yellow Sapphire!

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