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Quartz Doorway Properties and Meaning

Doorway Quartz have deeply recessed triangular “doorways” set into one or more of their termination faces. These doorway triangles may appear in  most of the different types of quartz crystals available. Read more information and view the photos showing Quartz Doorway Crystals below.

General Quartz Doorway Crystal Information

For what and How Does One Use it?

These doorways allow you access to the libraries of knowledge inside the crystal. Sit with a Quartz doorway crystal in your hands – clear your mind, and listen to your breath. When you are in a calm state, gaze into the doorway, look into it as deeply as possible. Try not to have any expectations with what you may find, see or experience within this crystal. Different people will have different experiences. Some may experience their consciousness being drawn into the crystal – effectively astral traveling about in an internal crystal universe! Others may experience a key hole like experience, having information and holographic images being shown to them! There is no limit to the different ways one may access the doorway and the information held within the crystal. As ever – we here at Crystal Information recommend you use your intuition to find the best interface method for you.

Doorway crystals form in most of the different flavored Quartz varieties. The Doorway aspect gives one a much deeper, in depth look and experience into each crystals flavor, abilities and functions. For example – when working with an Amethyst Doorway crystal, one may experience profoundly deep realizations and creative visualizations.

At times crystal suppliers can get a wee bit over excited and call Doorway Quartz crystals “trigonic”. This is not the case. Trigonic crystals have many indented upside down triangles, rather than just the one or two deeply recessed triangles that doorway crystals exhibit.

With Doorway Quartz Properties and Meaning in mind – Elestial Crystals are prime candidates to have doorways in them – due to their skeletal form, and knowledge databases!


Quartz Doorway Crystals are quite rare, but not so rare they are impossible to find. The following photos are harvested from the archives which contain more than 100,000 photos going back more than 15 years!


Quartz Doorway Crystal Galleries


Quartz Doorway

Smoky Quartz Doorway Crystal


Quartz Doorway crystal

Amethyst Quartz Doorway Crystal


Quartz Doorway specimen

Smoky Citrine Quartz Doorway Crystal


Quartz Doorway

Citrine Quartz Doorway Crystal


Quartz Doorway crystals

Golden Smoky Quartz Doorway Crystal


Quartz Doorway specimen

Smoky Quartz Doorway Crystal


Quartz Doorway Properties and Meaning

Citrine Quartz Doorway Crystal


Quartz Doorway Properties and Meaning

Golden Citrine Quartz Doorway Crystal


Quartz Doorway Properties and Meaning

Smoky Quartz Doorway Crystal


Quartz Doorway Properties and Meaning

Morion Smoky Quartz Doorway Crystal


Quartz Doorway Properties and Meaning

Clear Quartz Doorway Crystal


Quartz Doorway Properties and Meaning

Amethyst Quartz Doorway Crystal


Quartz Doorway Properties and Meaning

Doorway Quartz Crystal


Quartz Doorway Properties and Meaning

Amethyst Quartz Doorway Crystal

Click on the Quartz Doorway Crystal photo for a high resolution image!

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