Opal is a member of the Mineraloid family. It usually forms in veins within other rocks, in a great many, many colors. This mineral is readily available. Read more about Opal healing properties information and view the beautiful photo galleries below.
Intuitive Healing – Spiritual Trigger Words & Phrases For Opal
Here at Crystal-Information.com, We like to fully encourage people to use their intuition when it comes to crystals! We believe that every individual is unique, so too is every crystal, thus a unique experience will always occur! Read More
Dream State
General Opal Crystal Healing Information
For what and How Does One Use it?
Opal brings creativity, joy, love, harmony, hope and calms emotional responses. It encourages optimism, enthusiasm and creativity, balancing these traits to bring about smooth manifestation of ones desires and needs into the physical World. This stone ignites passion, the releasing of inhibitions and enhances ones love for all beings in the universe.
As an elixir, Opal is very good for treating degenerative diseases. It strengthens and benefits the eyes, hair, fingernails and skin. An Opal elixir is also good for helping the body remain hydrated during stressful events, both physical and emotional.
Opal Crystal Galleries and High Resolution Photo
Mexican Opal
Mexican Opal
Australian Opal Veins
Australian Opal Veins
Click the Opal Crystal below for a high resolution photo!
Do you have a personal experience, question or information pertaining to the crystal healing properties and meaning of Opal? Please feel free to use the comments form below to share your knowledge with the Crystal Information encyclopedia. Please note, we moderate this feature to keep the site free from unwanted spam.
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Nicole Torcolini
on February 28, 2025 at 9:24 pm
I like collecting different types of opal. Some are beads, which I understandd changes them, but I still think that they are neat. A few types have me confused. There is one called African Sun Opal, but I have onely come across it in one place. I do not know what chakra they are supposed to havbe. The other two that are explained but the chakras are not consistant are petrified wood opal and dendritic opal.
Hi Nicole, Thank you for your question. I do not have a lot of experience with opal sorry. I did have a look at the African Sun Opal you mentioned, and it looks to be about 50% Sacral and 50% Solar Plexus Chakras.
One of the things that restricts me a bit from going further into certain minerals is that I do not have access to them in order to take photos of them, and get a chance to work with them. If I come across a opal enthusiast here in New Zealand that would let me take photos etc, I promise you I will expand the opal section of this site. Thank you again for your questions and my apologies I could not be of more help.
HI Anthony, you helped me out before! Im in Australia and my supplier in China has sent over more Pink Opal but it looks different this time and wondered what I've actually been sent. Could you pls take a look at the photo for me?
Hi Katie, we are familiar with pink opal here as we wholesale it to crystal shops here in New Zealand. Looking at the grain and layers, I’m leaning towards saying it is pink opal, just a very faded version.
I have a supplier in China send me a photo of Pink Opal generators and Im wondering if these are legit? Whenever I have seen Pink Opal generators in Australia the colours are generally quite mottled, not just solid pink. Ive attached a photo.
Hi Katie, like the Hematite you mentioned, the stone is likely legit – I have seen them this color and consistency, but a cut and polished generator does not have the same energy as one that has naturally formed. Pink Opal does not form in quartz shapes, so thus is not a true generator. Still a great stone to have though!
Thank you so much for your help. I was getting quite concerned that all the crystals they were sending me were not going to be what I had asked for. I was reading some comments under your Celestite page and it started me off, because they had sent through images of Celestite generators and Id never seen those before! For good reason!! I have no idea what they would have made it from. Thanks again for your prompt reply – it was so helpful. I really appreciate it.
Hi There,
Yes, they will have their own unique set of properties over and above the “default” opal healing attributes. As I do not have any myself, I cannot comment on what those properties might be sorry.
While books and information websites like this one certainly have their place, we would like to point out they do not need to be used as virtual road maps when it comes to working with crystal energy. In some cases, reading a book or online article before working with a crystal could create expectations, these expectations could then possibly become a block to the relationship you could of otherwise had with said crystal!
Thus we have created a table with key words pertaining to each crystal listed, these key words should be open enough to trigger intuitive visions and experiences one may then choose to apply when working with any given crystal.
We recommend you hold a crystal, read the words within the table and then see if any intuitive inspirations come to you! So go on, give it a try!!!
I like collecting different types of opal. Some are beads, which I understandd changes them, but I still think that they are neat. A few types have me confused. There is one called African Sun Opal, but I have onely come across it in one place. I do not know what chakra they are supposed to havbe. The other two that are explained but the chakras are not consistant are petrified wood opal and dendritic opal.
Hi Nicole, Thank you for your question. I do not have a lot of experience with opal sorry. I did have a look at the African Sun Opal you mentioned, and it looks to be about 50% Sacral and 50% Solar Plexus Chakras.
One of the things that restricts me a bit from going further into certain minerals is that I do not have access to them in order to take photos of them, and get a chance to work with them. If I come across a opal enthusiast here in New Zealand that would let me take photos etc, I promise you I will expand the opal section of this site. Thank you again for your questions and my apologies I could not be of more help.
HI Anthony, you helped me out before! Im in Australia and my supplier in China has sent over more Pink Opal but it looks different this time and wondered what I've actually been sent. Could you pls take a look at the photo for me?
Hi Katie, we are familiar with pink opal here as we wholesale it to crystal shops here in New Zealand. Looking at the grain and layers, I’m leaning towards saying it is pink opal, just a very faded version.
Hi Anthony
I have a supplier in China send me a photo of Pink Opal generators and Im wondering if these are legit? Whenever I have seen Pink Opal generators in Australia the colours are generally quite mottled, not just solid pink. Ive attached a photo.
Hi Katie, like the Hematite you mentioned, the stone is likely legit – I have seen them this color and consistency, but a cut and polished generator does not have the same energy as one that has naturally formed. Pink Opal does not form in quartz shapes, so thus is not a true generator. Still a great stone to have though!
Thank you so much for your help. I was getting quite concerned that all the crystals they were sending me were not going to be what I had asked for. I was reading some comments under your Celestite page and it started me off, because they had sent through images of Celestite generators and Id never seen those before! For good reason!! I have no idea what they would have made it from. Thanks again for your prompt reply – it was so helpful. I really appreciate it.
I purchased a yellow opal from Tanzania Africa. Is there qualities different in it from the other opals?
Thank you,
Hi There,
Yes, they will have their own unique set of properties over and above the “default” opal healing attributes. As I do not have any myself, I cannot comment on what those properties might be sorry.