Apophyllite Properties and Meaning – Apophyllite is a member of the Silicate family. It comes in shades of clear, white, and green, Apophyllite is found in several locations around the world, especially India. Read more about Apophyllite crystal healing properties and view photo galleries below!
Apophyllite Fast Facts
Apophyllite Physical Properties
Apophyllite Healing Properties and Meaning
Intuitive Healing – Spiritual Trigger Words & Phrases For Apophyllite
Apophyllite Crystal Healing & Properties Information
For what and How Does One Use it?
Apophyllite is all about the light, bringing it into all your bodies, utilizing it to enhance every aspect of your life. It helps one release long held negativity, bringing in light to those previously dark spaces, providing healing and seeding new growth for the mind, spirit and soul. Although it runs at a very high vibration, it brings perspective and helps one stay centered.
Simply having this crystal in your presence, either as a single crystal on your person or a cluster in your environment, will bring lots and lots of light into your life. Apophyllite sings with the uplifting voice of the angelic realm. Meditate with this beautiful crystal and listen to the song the Angels are singing!
We can all do with more light in our lives and Apophyllite provides this in abundance! Be it on your person or gridding your house with it, the uplifting energy of Apophyllite is always a welcome and spiritually rewarding experience!
Apophyllite Crystal Galleries and High Resolution Photo
Green Apophyllite Cluster
Green Apophyllite Specimen
Mirror Apophyllite Cluster
Hi Anthony;
Here is another view of the Apophyllite I inquired about a moment ago with a different view of another face of it that has cascading peaks of raised triangles, like your examples #6 & 9 under your topic/article called Record Keepers.
It was very difficult to hold it and photograph this particular face.
Thank you.
Best, Kelley Shields
Hi Kelley, thank you for the additional msg and photo. Yes, capturing record keeper triangles is one of the hardest things to do crystal photography wise – especially with a crystal as refractive as Apophyllite. Well done!
Hello Anthony;
I am very new to the crystal world. I am deeply motivated to learn more for reasons I do not know! I look at images of crystals online of various sellers' sites and then what calls to me, I purchase.
I recently got this Apophyllite and was pleased to learn after purchasing how helpful it will be as I develop my spiritual practice. Then, while reading about something else related to crystals I came across the topic of record keeper crystals. A few google searches brought me here to your site. And I am very glad for that–this is a wonderful source of information that you've provided.
Can you tell me from this image–I can provide others–if this Apophyllite specimen I have is a record keeper?
Thank You!
Best, Kelley
Hello Kelley, thank you for your comment/question. Welcome to the exciting world of crystals!
I currently cannot recall ever seeing an Apophyllite record keeper! Yes, I would regard this crystal as being a record keeper 🙂
That is one very special crystal – congratulations on finding it!
Is this Apofyllite? It has a shape : hollow, you can put your finger in it.
It is what is referred to as being a pseudomorph. It started life as a Calcite crystal. Then a layer of quartz formed over it. Over time the calcite erodes/dissolves away leaving just the quartz. India is well known for these pseudomorphs – that is a lovely example of one, well done!
I’m new to this site and to crystals as well… learning a little new bits as I go. Recently acquired a Clear Apophyllite stone and have been noticing inside down triangles all over it… wondering if there is any significance to this ?
Hi Trish, that is most unusual behavior for Apophyllite, sounds very special! I recommend you read the information on Record Keeper crystals from the link below.
Apophyllite is one of my favorite crystals of all time. They seem to call to me, and I am honored to have a few lovely crystals I got from Mount Shasta, Ca. As one of the Chakra centers of Earth, I feel these crystals are particularly vibrational and powerful. (Also the fact that they resemble the beloved mountain, is endearing as well!)
I have been working with one or more of these little gifts from Earth, I had previously had memory issues and that has been affecting my work as a Holistic Drs' receptionist. As soon as I began carrying this crystal (in bra) as close to my 'crown' as possible, I've unmistakably noticed that my Memory had improved! My boss's attitude towards me has improved, and my feelings of failure/defeat have disipated! All in just One Day no less! 😀 I am very pleased, and look forward to discovering more healing properties of this magical, beautiful crystal. I adore it!
Thank You so much for sharing with us, this is exactly why I have provided these comment areas – again, thank you so much doe sharing your awesome experiences! 🙂
It’s like I just came in contact with a single mirror Apophyllite and still wondering till I got to this site, please how do I upload to verify? Thanks
Hi Larry, please email photos to anthony@crystal-information.com
It’s like I just came in contact with a single mirror Apophyllite and still wondering till I got to this site, please how do I upload to verify? Thanks
Need to upload please
Might I ask what is the source of the photo for the mirror apophyllite cluster? I believe I am in possession of that precise specimen! My mother recently died and I've been going through her crystal collection trying to identify things. Was that crystal for sale at some point?
Hi Jason,
Yes indeed, our sister site http://majestic-quartz.com/ sold that crystal. I took the photo! I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you for making contact and condolences to you and your family.
Very cool to know. Thank you for the prompt response (though it took me a while to check back, heh). Here's my own attempt at photographing it — http://i.imgur.com/gdsQorG.jpg — not quite as good as yours but the resemblance is pretty uncanny.

Hi Jason,
That is a fantastic photo! Great effort! Thanks for sharing