Citrine Quartz forms with a shade of yellow and or gold. It may also be mixed with Smoky Quartz and is thus termed Smoky Citrine Quartz. Unfortunately most Citrine on the market is in fact irradiated Amethyst.Further information below.
Intuitive Healing – Spiritual Trigger Words & Phrases For Citrine Quartz
Here at, We like to fully encourage people to use their intuition when it comes to crystals! We believe that every individual is unique, so too is every crystal, thus a unique experience will always occur! Read More
Citrine Quartz Crystal Healing & Properties Information
For what and How Does One Use it?
Citrine is a beautiful vibrant energy. It is one of the best anti-depressant crystals available! One way to use it for treating depression is to place it on the solar plexus, and visualize yourself breathing the gold color into your body. Feel the golden energy fill your body with joy and happiness. Visualize your body glowing with warmth and emanating golden light like the rays bursting forth from the dawning sun.
Citrine Elestial Quartz Crystals have a strong focus on detoxifying the body. The vibration operates at a level that literally shakes the toxicity loose from the major organs such as the liver, kidneys, and lungs. Place a Citrine Elestial on your body and relax, breathe in deeply and smoothly. Do your best to empty your mind of mental clatter. Perform this routine for as long as feels comfortable. Make sure you drink plenty of water over the next three days as the toxicity will be flushed out into your bloodstream, and the water will help you remove it from your system entirely.
Citrine Quartz is also a popular crystal for manifestation. The golden ray naturally attracts abundance in many forms. Be open-ended as possible within your manifesting processes in order to allow the Universe to provide your needs in possibly the most unexpected ways!
Smoky Citrine
Smoky Citrine is a mixture of gold/yellow Citrine and Golden Smoky Quartz. This complimentary combination is very powerful, particularly in terms of grounding the high vibration of the gold ray into the body physical, or grounding manifestation programs. In many ways Smoky Citrine may be considered a superior crystal in terms of manifestation as more often than not, we would like these manifestations to appear in the third dimension – thus the Smoky grounding energies are very helpful in this respect.
Neither the Smoky or Citrine aspects hinder each others properties, rather they work in perfect harmony with each other. For instance, the Smoky aspect can draw negative energy from the self, and the Citrine aspect will cleanse and transform the energy into a positive state, ready for one to use in an enlightening way.
How to identify Natural vs Irradiated Citrine
Irradiated crystals are ones that have been heated to alter their color. A classic example is that most Citrine is in fact a variety of Amethyst that when heated to a high temperature turns to a bright gold color.
It is easy to spot, as it has a reddish tinge to it. Bright Gold Citrine is VERY rare in nature.
Unfortunately the majority of crystal shops sell the irradiated material and are often not forthcoming that this is what they are selling. Majestic QuartzONLY sells natural Citrine crystals, which have been naturally colored by Nature.
Below are some examples of color-altered Amethyst and Natural Citrine.
The below two crystals are the baked variety. We are not saying not to buy this type of crystal. Indeed, they are from our personal collection. They do have a healing energy about them, but if you are looking for the Citrine energy, this is not it!
Color altered (irradiated)
Color altered (irradiated)
The Real Deal!
If you are after Citrine, here are three great examples of it. As you can see, they come in many color shades. There are not too many people around who could not do with a little Citrine energy in their lives!
Natural Bright Gold Citrine (This bright color is VERY rare)
Natural Smoky Citrine
Natural light Gold Citrine
Natural Citrine Quartz is quite rare; however, it is well worth the effort to track down. It is an extremely flexible and powerful crystal that may be integrated into many, many aspects of one’s life. As mentioned above, Citrine can combine with other flavors of Quartz such as Smoky (Smoky Citrine) and Amethyst (Ametrine). These combinations too are well worth seeking out. Think of it as Citrine +++!
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Vicki Bathgate
on August 2, 2023 at 6:22 pm
Hi, thank you for all the wonderful information and I was wondering if you could tell me if my newly purchased citrine cluster is a fake?. It has chevron markings inside like amethyst and then I read your information and it looks like it's a fake! I'm hoping that you will be able to confirm either way from the picture.
Hi Vicki, thank you for your question and good quality photo. This is a slightly different variant of a common ruse. It would be best to describe this cluster as being “assembled” by humans, and then being colored by them too. This looks to be a copy of a baked amethyst “citrine” cluster, ironically, itself an altered crystal. However the shape of the points is wrong for the original Brazilian material. They are however the exact shape of the other assembled varieties I’ve seen that come in other colors such as purple and green. In short, the individual points are likely quartz, but the rest of it is not natural in any sense of the word. It is important to note that many sellers of this material are themselves completely unaware that they are not selling natural crystals. If it was purchased through ebay, mention the magic words that your experience with this purchase has been a “negative” one and the seller will quickly resolve this matter in your favor.
What chakra is Citrine? I know that there are a lot of different pages, but I find it very frustrating when you provide specific information that says “dependent on” about a category, like Quartz, but not for some of the stones in that category.
Hi Nicole, point taken. I’m not sure when I will have the time to go through and put an extra table of information in for the crystals that need it, but it is now on my “to do” list. My life is soooo much busier now than when I initially built this site. I just try to keep up with answering questions these days.
Citrine is primarily associated with the Solar Plexus Chakara, but also has influences with the Sacral and Third Eye chakras.
hi. so I recently was sold a natural citrine from Brazil. it does not seem to be heat treated and has beautiful rainbow inclusions but I realized that in some angles it confused me for smokey quartz. wanted to see what you thought
Hi Maria, thank you for your photo and question. I’ve been a Citrine nut for more than 30 years now, and over that time the definition of what is, and is not Citrine has vastly changed! A lot of the change has been driven by a great extent of middleman suppliers realizing Citrine is worth more money than smoky, so what was once called golden smoky is now smoky citrine, in more extreme cases what was called straight smoky now has a citrine label! Over at our retail site Majestic Quartz, we are fairly old school in our descriptions, only golden smoky has now been changed to Smoky Citrine as Golden smokies are never described as such now. So in short, your question is vastly open to personal interpretation, as frustrating as that may be sorry! By Majestic quartz standards, the crystal in your photo is a Smoky Citrine, a rough split is 65% Citrine/35% Smoky.
a friend of mine gifted me this stone recently and believes it is a Citrine. Now having researched some pages and yours (thank you for this very impressive webpage!) I am not sure about it. Especially, because it looks very much like the irradiated stones in the pictures of this article.
If it is not a Citrine, how can I be sure what it is – Amethyst or Quartz or(?) – to be able to work with appropriately?
Hi Sarah, yes, this is a baked Amethyst. Once this has been done to them, they kind of take on their own energy that is neither amethyst, or Citrine. I’ve never worked with one myself, so cannot offer much information sorry. I do not feel they are negative in anyway, just different.
Hello, I have a quartz specimen, a cluster I think, with quartz on both sides of the matrix. There's a part of it that is colored like a citrine with the rest of the stone covered in regular quartz. I don't know if it is natural citrine or not. I suspect that it may be so I'm writing to you. The citrine area is surrounded by regular quartz and I figure that it would be difficult to heat treat an area of the stone in the middle of it, to produce the citrine color without affecting the rest of the stone. Also, the stone mostly white and doesn't appear to me to be Amethyst changed to clear quartz. Can you tell me if the citrine portion is real citrine or what it is? Thanks so much.
Hi Pan, The first photo is definitely baked amethyst, and even the 2nd photo looks to be a bit suspect I’m afraid. Let me know if you are willing to go online, and I will let you know where you can get the real thing.
Hi!! Thank you so much for the advice!! Most of the local shops here are selling either baked amethyst, or Citrine in spheres and points form. I had issues with finding tumbled pieces locally and I am not experienced enough to tell if those online are real or not. I would really appreciate it if you can help me with some directions *feeling thankful*
Hi Pan, My apologies as I’m not sure where to find natural Citrine in tumbled form. It is quite rare to see it in tumbled form as the crystal itself is not common. Please find the link below to our sister sites Natural Citrine section. There is A LOT more natural Citrine due to go on the site over the next few weeks there as well. You can contract us over there is you would like more information 🙂
I've just started learn about and search for crystals short time ago.I love and needed a citrine quartz because of depression .I got my one from you ,a beautiful tantrum twin smoky citrine.I love it.
Sombody bought me from ebay another one:a polished,big "natural" one.But I'm suspicious it is a heated crystal,i read in your description,it is rare to find original citrine quartz.
I try to attach its link.What is your opinion?
I'd like another question:what is that heated zone- has it got healing properties? Do not find description ,your site is a great one with enormous information,it will take long time study all items…It take hours just admire your photos!!! Congratulations for your prof work!It is a wonderful work,and the more thing:your love for crystals / and people…
My mom gave to me a pink quartz around 10 years ago and in this period I had some bad times like divorce, panic attacks, anxiety, depression and more…. (now i'm verry well ) I've had this Crystal in my wallet all the time and when I check it the colour was totally different, now is yellow brownish and it looks like a cloudy white Crystal. I've showed it to a man who sell Crystal and he told me that the crystal worked with me in this period and transformed himself in citrine. The man also recommended that I should start working more with Crystal because we resonate well…. i don't know what to do and I need an advice.
Hi Adrian, Thank You for posting your experience thus far with the Rose Quartz. Yes, I would agree with the man at the crystal shop. You and this crystal have both worked well together and evolved. While I personally have not heard of a Rose Quartz turning to Citrine, I have no doubt that it has happened! I’ve seen other transformations, just not that one! It could be a good idea to cleanse and re energize the crystal in question. Buy some rock salt if you do not have any already, place the crystal in a bowl and add water with a good helping of rock salt, and leave for 24 hours or so. Then place on a window sill under moonlight to help charge it back up again. Another way to charge crystals up is to place them on a Quartz or Amethyst cluster.
It would definitely appear that you do indeed resonate well with crystals and would be a natural at working with them. I find keeping things simple works best with crystals. Start out with the “bread & butter” type crystals such as Clear Quartz, Milky Quartz, Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Citrine. Go for the ones that you are attracted to, this is your intuition at work, feeling drawn to them means you will work well together.
There is many ways to work with them, so don’t put any pressure on yourself, explore the different ways described in books, and on sites like this and feel your way through to what works best with you. It might be visual, tactile, or emotion based….Just relax and enjoy the crystal journey as it unfolds. 🙂
While books and information websites like this one certainly have their place, we would like to point out they do not need to be used as virtual road maps when it comes to working with crystal energy. In some cases, reading a book or online article before working with a crystal could create expectations, these expectations could then possibly become a block to the relationship you could of otherwise had with said crystal!
Thus we have created a table with key words pertaining to each crystal listed, these key words should be open enough to trigger intuitive visions and experiences one may then choose to apply when working with any given crystal.
We recommend you hold a crystal, read the words within the table and then see if any intuitive inspirations come to you! So go on, give it a try!!!
Hi, thank you for all the wonderful information and I was wondering if you could tell me if my newly purchased citrine cluster is a fake?. It has chevron markings inside like amethyst and then I read your information and it looks like it's a fake! I'm hoping that you will be able to confirm either way from the picture.
Thank you so much. Kind regards Vicki
Hi Vicki, thank you for your question and good quality photo. This is a slightly different variant of a common ruse. It would be best to describe this cluster as being “assembled” by humans, and then being colored by them too. This looks to be a copy of a baked amethyst “citrine” cluster, ironically, itself an altered crystal. However the shape of the points is wrong for the original Brazilian material. They are however the exact shape of the other assembled varieties I’ve seen that come in other colors such as purple and green. In short, the individual points are likely quartz, but the rest of it is not natural in any sense of the word. It is important to note that many sellers of this material are themselves completely unaware that they are not selling natural crystals. If it was purchased through ebay, mention the magic words that your experience with this purchase has been a “negative” one and the seller will quickly resolve this matter in your favor.
What chakra is Citrine? I know that there are a lot of different pages, but I find it very frustrating when you provide specific information that says “dependent on” about a category, like Quartz, but not for some of the stones in that category.
Hi Nicole, point taken. I’m not sure when I will have the time to go through and put an extra table of information in for the crystals that need it, but it is now on my “to do” list. My life is soooo much busier now than when I initially built this site. I just try to keep up with answering questions these days.
Citrine is primarily associated with the Solar Plexus Chakara, but also has influences with the Sacral and Third Eye chakras.
hi. so I recently was sold a natural citrine from Brazil. it does not seem to be heat treated and has beautiful rainbow inclusions but I realized that in some angles it confused me for smokey quartz. wanted to see what you thought
Hi Maria, thank you for your photo and question. I’ve been a Citrine nut for more than 30 years now, and over that time the definition of what is, and is not Citrine has vastly changed! A lot of the change has been driven by a great extent of middleman suppliers realizing Citrine is worth more money than smoky, so what was once called golden smoky is now smoky citrine, in more extreme cases what was called straight smoky now has a citrine label! Over at our retail site Majestic Quartz, we are fairly old school in our descriptions, only golden smoky has now been changed to Smoky Citrine as Golden smokies are never described as such now. So in short, your question is vastly open to personal interpretation, as frustrating as that may be sorry! By Majestic quartz standards, the crystal in your photo is a Smoky Citrine, a rough split is 65% Citrine/35% Smoky.
Hi there,
a friend of mine gifted me this stone recently and believes it is a Citrine. Now having researched some pages and yours (thank you for this very impressive webpage!) I am not sure about it. Especially, because it looks very much like the irradiated stones in the pictures of this article.
If it is not a Citrine, how can I be sure what it is – Amethyst or Quartz or(?) – to be able to work with appropriately?
Thank you for any suggestions!
Hi Sarah, yes, this is a baked Amethyst. Once this has been done to them, they kind of take on their own energy that is neither amethyst, or Citrine. I’ve never worked with one myself, so cannot offer much information sorry. I do not feel they are negative in anyway, just different.
Hello, I have a quartz specimen, a cluster I think, with quartz on both sides of the matrix. There's a part of it that is colored like a citrine with the rest of the stone covered in regular quartz. I don't know if it is natural citrine or not. I suspect that it may be so I'm writing to you. The citrine area is surrounded by regular quartz and I figure that it would be difficult to heat treat an area of the stone in the middle of it, to produce the citrine color without affecting the rest of the stone. Also, the stone mostly white and doesn't appear to me to be Amethyst changed to clear quartz. Can you tell me if the citrine portion is real citrine or what it is? Thanks so much.
Hi Wendell, it is iron oxide, this is a very common occurrence on quartz crystals. So not Citrine as such.
Not sure if you were wanting to ask a question about this crystal?
Hi, Good day.
I have been looking for natural Citrine but I understand that they are hard to find.
So far, what I can find locally are obviously baked Amethyst, except for the following 2, which I am unable to tell, if they are Citrine or not.
Do you think I can borrow some help with your eyes, if they are or do look like Citrine at all?
Thank you!!
Hi Pan, The first photo is definitely baked amethyst, and even the 2nd photo looks to be a bit suspect I’m afraid. Let me know if you are willing to go online, and I will let you know where you can get the real thing.
Hi!! Thank you so much for the advice!! Most of the local shops here are selling either baked amethyst, or Citrine in spheres and points form. I had issues with finding tumbled pieces locally and I am not experienced enough to tell if those online are real or not. I would really appreciate it if you can help me with some directions *feeling thankful*
Hi Pan, My apologies as I’m not sure where to find natural Citrine in tumbled form. It is quite rare to see it in tumbled form as the crystal itself is not common. Please find the link below to our sister sites Natural Citrine section. There is A LOT more natural Citrine due to go on the site over the next few weeks there as well. You can contract us over there is you would like more information 🙂
Hi, Anthony,
Ooh!! No wonder!! Thank you so much for telling me this! I will check out Majestic-quartz!!! 😀
Sorry,I could not attach photos.It is not as email attaching,and I'm not a big one in tis technik.I'm too old for that…
Hi Attila, please send your photos to and I will let you know 🙂
Dear Anthony,
I've just started learn about and search for crystals short time ago.I love and needed a citrine quartz because of depression .I got my one from you ,a beautiful tantrum twin smoky citrine.I love it.
Sombody bought me from ebay another one:a polished,big "natural" one.But I'm suspicious it is a heated crystal,i read in your description,it is rare to find original citrine quartz.
I try to attach its link.What is your opinion?
I'd like another question:what is that heated zone- has it got healing properties? Do not find description ,your site is a great one with enormous information,it will take long time study all items…It take hours just admire your photos!!! Congratulations for your prof work!It is a wonderful work,and the more thing:your love for crystals / and people…
Best regards
Hi there my name is Adrian and I have a question.
My mom gave to me a pink quartz around 10 years ago and in this period I had some bad times like divorce, panic attacks, anxiety, depression and more…. (now i'm verry well ) I've had this Crystal in my wallet all the time and when I check it the colour was totally different, now is yellow brownish and it looks like a cloudy white Crystal. I've showed it to a man who sell Crystal and he told me that the crystal worked with me in this period and transformed himself in citrine. The man also recommended that I should start working more with Crystal because we resonate well…. i don't know what to do and I need an advice.
Regards, Adrian!
Hi Adrian, Thank You for posting your experience thus far with the Rose Quartz. Yes, I would agree with the man at the crystal shop. You and this crystal have both worked well together and evolved. While I personally have not heard of a Rose Quartz turning to Citrine, I have no doubt that it has happened! I’ve seen other transformations, just not that one! It could be a good idea to cleanse and re energize the crystal in question. Buy some rock salt if you do not have any already, place the crystal in a bowl and add water with a good helping of rock salt, and leave for 24 hours or so. Then place on a window sill under moonlight to help charge it back up again. Another way to charge crystals up is to place them on a Quartz or Amethyst cluster.
It would definitely appear that you do indeed resonate well with crystals and would be a natural at working with them. I find keeping things simple works best with crystals. Start out with the “bread & butter” type crystals such as Clear Quartz, Milky Quartz, Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Citrine. Go for the ones that you are attracted to, this is your intuition at work, feeling drawn to them means you will work well together.
There is many ways to work with them, so don’t put any pressure on yourself, explore the different ways described in books, and on sites like this and feel your way through to what works best with you. It might be visual, tactile, or emotion based….Just relax and enjoy the crystal journey as it unfolds. 🙂