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Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Citrine Quartz forms with a shade of yellow and or gold. It may also be mixed with Smoky Quartz and is thus termed Smoky Citrine Quartz. Unfortunately most Citrine on the market is in fact irradiated Amethyst.Further information below.

Intuitive Healing – Spiritual Trigger Words & Phrases For Citrine Quartz

Here at, We like to fully encourage people to use their intuition when it comes to crystals! We believe that every individual is unique, so too is every crystal, thus a unique experience will always occur! Read More
Self Esteem

Citrine Quartz Crystal Healing & Properties Information

For what and How Does One Use it?

Citrine is a beautiful vibrant energy. It is one of the best anti-depressant crystals available! One way to use it for treating depression is to place it on the solar plexus, and visualize yourself breathing the gold color into your body. Feel the golden energy fill your body with joy and happiness. Visualize your body glowing with warmth and emanating golden light like the rays bursting forth from the dawning sun.

Citrine Elestial Quartz Crystals have a strong focus on detoxifying the body. The vibration operates at a level that literally shakes the toxicity loose from the major organs such as the liver, kidneys, and lungs. Place a Citrine Elestial on your body and relax, breathe in deeply and smoothly. Do your best to empty your mind of mental clatter. Perform this routine for as long as feels comfortable. Make sure you drink plenty of water over the next three days as the toxicity will be flushed out into your bloodstream, and the water will help you remove it from your system entirely.

Citrine Quartz is also a popular crystal for manifestation. The golden ray naturally attracts abundance in many forms. Be open-ended as possible within your manifesting processes in order to allow the Universe to provide your needs in possibly the most unexpected ways!

Smoky Citrine

Smoky Citrine is a mixture of gold/yellow Citrine and Golden Smoky Quartz. This complimentary combination is very powerful, particularly in terms of grounding the high vibration of the gold ray into the body physical, or grounding manifestation programs. In many ways Smoky Citrine may be considered a superior crystal in terms of manifestation as more often than not, we would like these manifestations to appear in the third dimension – thus the Smoky grounding energies are very helpful in this respect.

Neither the Smoky or Citrine aspects hinder each others properties, rather they work in perfect harmony with each other. For instance, the Smoky aspect can draw negative energy from the self, and the Citrine aspect will cleanse and transform the energy into a positive state, ready for one to use in an enlightening  way.

How to identify Natural vs Irradiated Citrine

Irradiated crystals are ones that have been heated to alter their color. A classic example is that most Citrine is in fact a variety of Amethyst that when heated to a high temperature turns to a bright gold color.

It is easy to spot, as it has a reddish tinge to it. Bright Gold Citrine is VERY rare in nature.

Unfortunately the majority of crystal shops sell the irradiated material and are often not forthcoming that this is what they are selling. Majestic Quartz ONLY sells natural Citrine crystals, which have been naturally colored by Nature.

Below are some examples of color-altered Amethyst and Natural Citrine.

The below two crystals are the baked variety. We are not saying not to buy this type of crystal. Indeed, they are from our personal collection. They do have a healing energy about them, but if you are looking for the Citrine energy, this is not it!

Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning Color altered (irradiated)

Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Color altered (irradiated)

The Real Deal!

If you are after Citrine, here are three great examples of it. As you can see, they come in many color shades. There are not too many people around who could not do with a little Citrine energy in their lives!

Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Natural Bright Gold Citrine (This bright color is VERY rare)

Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Natural Smoky Citrine

Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Natural light Gold Citrine



Natural Citrine Quartz is quite rare; however, it is well worth the effort to track down. It is an extremely flexible and powerful crystal that may be integrated into many, many aspects of one’s life. As mentioned above, Citrine can combine with other flavors of Quartz such as Smoky (Smoky Citrine) and Amethyst (Ametrine). These combinations too are well worth seeking out. Think of it as Citrine +++!



Citrine Quartz Healing Properties Video

Citrine Quartz Galleries


Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Citrine Elestial


Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Citrine Quartz Elestial


Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Etched Citrine Quartz Crystal


Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Citrine Elestial Crystal


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Citrine Quartz Crystal (with natural titanium coating!)


Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

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Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Citrine Quartz Crystal


Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Smoky Citrine Quartz Crystal


Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

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Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Citrine Quartz Crystal


Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

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Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Citrine Quartz Crystal


Citrine Quartz Properties and Meaning

Citrine Quartz Elestial Powerwand

Click the Citrine Quartz Crystal below for a high resolution photo!

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