Quartz Doorway Properties and Meaning
Doorway Quartz have deeply recessed triangular “doorways” set into one or more of their termination faces. These doorway triangles may appear in most of the different types of quartz crystals available. Read more information and view the photos showing Quartz Doorway Crystals below.
General Quartz Doorway Crystal Information
For what and How Does One Use it?
These doorways allow you access to the libraries of knowledge inside the crystal. Sit with a Quartz doorway crystal in your hands – clear your mind, and listen to your breath. When you are in a calm state, gaze into the doorway, look into it as deeply as possible. Try not to have any expectations with what you may find, see or experience within this crystal. Different people will have different experiences. Some may experience their consciousness being drawn into the crystal – effectively astral traveling about in an internal crystal universe! Others may experience a key hole like experience, having information and holographic images being shown to them! There is no limit to the different ways one may access the doorway and the information held within the crystal. As ever – we here at Crystal Information recommend you use your intuition to find the best interface method for you.
Doorway crystals form in most of the different flavored Quartz varieties. The Doorway aspect gives one a much deeper, in depth look and experience into each crystals flavor, abilities and functions. For example – when working with an Amethyst Doorway crystal, one may experience profoundly deep realizations and creative visualizations.
At times crystal suppliers can get a wee bit over excited and call Doorway Quartz crystals “trigonic”. This is not the case. Trigonic crystals have many indented upside down triangles, rather than just the one or two deeply recessed triangles that doorway crystals exhibit.
With Doorway Quartz Properties and Meaning in mind – Elestial Crystals are prime candidates to have doorways in them – due to their skeletal form, and knowledge databases!
Quartz Doorway Crystals are quite rare, but not so rare they are impossible to find. The following photos are harvested from the majestic-quartz.com archives which contain more than 100,000 photos going back more than 15 years!
Quartz Doorway Crystal Galleries
Smoky Quartz Doorway Crystal
Smoky Citrine Quartz Doorway Crystal
Citrine Quartz Doorway Crystal
Golden Smoky Quartz Doorway Crystal
Smoky Quartz Doorway Crystal
Citrine Quartz Doorway Crystal
Golden Citrine Quartz Doorway Crystal
Smoky Quartz Doorway Crystal
Morion Smoky Quartz Doorway Crystal
Clear Quartz Doorway Crystal
Doorway Quartz Crystal
I have never seen a marking like this on a quartz before. Any ideas?
Greetings Lindsey, I have never seen anything quite like this, thus do not have much wisdom I can impart sorry. Being a Chevron shape, it would certainly have a focus on the 3rd eye and crown chakras. It would also suggest enhancing the connection to your higher self. (guiding you towards a life path that aligns with your true self).
It would also promote higher mind and brain function.
My apologies I could not be of more help on this one.
Congratulations on securing a very, very rare and unique crystals!
Hi is this a doorway please in my quartz sphere? Thank you
Hello Lyndsay, my apologies for the late reply. It looks to be a rare baby within crystal to me! That is a small baby crystal totally enclosed within a mother crystal. These crystals are very rare and very sought after, so congratulations. Baby Within crystals are also known as manifestation crystals. Please find a link below to their information page….
Hello!! I have a question regarding trigonic and Doorway Crystals. I have been searching on the internet for the diference between the two and i still don´t know how to differ the one from the other.
Can you tell me the physical diferences?
I have this crystal that i can´t truly understand what it is. It´s shown in the photo.
Thank you
Hello Nuno, Thank You very much for asking this very good question. I will do my best to explain the difference between a doorway and a trigonic.
Fortunately I was gifted a trigonic crystal from the original mine they were found in within the USA. This was one of the best ever found. It has upside down triangles on the termination faces. They are verry shallow triangles, at most only 1 to 2 millimeters deep. See the photos below.
Doorway Crystals have much, much deeper recessed triangle with sides that taper down into the crystal. Please see example below.
Based on the photo you have sent, your crystal is definitely a doorway.
Doorway crystals are quite rare, genuine trigonic crystals are exceedingly rare.
I hope this helps answer your question 🙂
It was a very good explanation, now i really understand the difference!! Thank you Anthony!!
Hi Anthony,
I’ve just stumbled across your website and I can’t put it away! So informative and simple to navigate. Thank you 🙏
Here is a recent beauty, unearthed I believe to be a Doorway. This also has a couple of other upside down triangles. Are these the trigonic holes?
also, does the depth of the doorway have any impact for the information to be accessed?
Regards, Sara
Hi Sara, Thank You for your kind words regarding the site.
I have looked at your photo (great photo by the way!) and those are smaller doorways, as against being trigonic. I do feel the depth of the doorways does get one to deeper levels of information.
Thank You again, and you enjoy that wonderful crystal!
Does the Doorway formation only having meaning for different varieties of Quartz ? I have a piece of stellar beam calcite that has a similar small formation coming out of the main stone.
Hi Meagan, this can also apply to other crystals such as your Calcite Specimen 🙂
Hi Anthony! Thanks to you and your team for providing so much information and helping people like me identify our crystals/minerals.
I’m curious if this would be considered a doorway quartz. There also seems to be an element of self heal at the bottom of the quartz (second picture)
Also, I’m hoping to confirm that the terms “doorway” and “trigonic” are interchangeable. There’s so much lingo to sort through!
Thank you so much again!
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Hi Emily, thank you for your kind comments regarding the site.
Yes, this crystal absolutely has doorways where you highlighted. Trigonic record keepers and doorways are different. Door ways are much larger and deeper than the upside down trigonic triangles. There does indeed appear to be crystallized self healing on the base of the crystal.
My apologies for the late reply, we are moving houses right now.
Bright blessings to you, and you enjoy that magnificent crystals! 🙂
Thank you so much, Anthony! Your explanation is very helpful. And apologies for my delay in thanking you. When I originally posted the question I received an error message a few times and assumed it hadn't gone through. Decided to check the thread on a whim today and voila! Thanks a bunch again.
No problemo, we know the site can be at times glitchy, and we are working on it. Thank you for the heads up!
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Oh wow! I appreciate you mentioning this. And of course, the fact that I'm just seeing your comment now is serendipitous. The Akashic Records have been calling me quite a bit lately and just 2 days ago I signed up for a course to continue my studies. Honestly, I'm smiling ear to ear right now… Love it when this happens! 🙂
Meant to be! Enjoy your course, it will be awesome!
Hi, Anothony.
I have one more question! What is this (if anything). The picture doesn’t do it justice but that pentagon like shape looks hollow, it’s like a little pocket of air and it seems like the quartz grew over it.. I’ve always been curious about it. Thank you for your time!!!
This is a challenging one! My feeling is that it is a quartz crystal that grew over another mineral that had 5 sides. Very curious indeed!
I don’t think one of my messages went through.. I’ve posted an additional photo of what I believe to be a doorway (not record keeper) in an Ametrine in spirit quartz. Is that accurate? Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us!!
No worries Marsha, yes another great doorway!
Hi, Anthony!
I got so excited reading about the doorways that I went searching through all my quartz to see if I could find any more. I believe I found another one.. although the placement looks different then on the others I’ve seen so I just wanted to confirm. As always, THANK YOU!
Hi Marsha, could you please bring back the camera a little and try again please? Just a bit too blurry for me to tell sorry. Photographing crystals can be hard! 🙂
Hello again, here is another one in the same piece. This is the same Ametrine in spirit quartz, this triangle is right side up. Thank you!
A very nice doorway 🙂
Hello, Anthony. Just came across your page and have been loving all of the info you provide!! In these photos, are those doorways and not record keepers? Thank you!!! This is an Ametrine in spirit quartz. One more photo to follow. Thank you!
Hi Marsha, this is a doorway. Thank You for your kind comments regarding the site 🙂
Hi Anthony,
Can you tell me anything about this guy? These are not triangles, but are these record keepsers? I appreciate any insight you can give me. 🙂
Hi Aubrie, That looks to be an Amethyst Quartz crystal from Vera Cruz, Mexico. some of these crystals, including your one grow in what is termed Skeletal Layers. These layers can create doorways! Here is a link to the page on Skeletal crystals for some more information for you.
I believe that what this site is referring to as doorways are more commonly known as "sunken record keepers". I've Googled "doorway quartz" and didn't get the results I wanted besides this site. One can sometimes find such specimens on Etsy, or if you're lucky in your local rock and mineral or crystal shop!
So, I began inspecting my crystal collection… here is a piece of Super 7 that I purchased locally a few years ago – that is a doorway on it, correct?
Hi Melanie, ??I’m quite old school and have been at this for more than 30 years now, some name fade into the past and are replaced by newer ones, thank you for the info 🙂 Upside down indented record keeper triangles are also known as trigonic.
I just moved into an older house, I found a pink stone above one of the doorways in my room. I knocked it down while dusting, should I put it back? I assume it’s been there for awhile the person before me probably never dusted up there! It’s so pretty!
Hi, as long as you feel comfortable, and it feels right, by all means put it back. If you feel to place it somewhere else, that would be fine too 🙂
Hi, can you tell me if this is a doorway? And is it still a generator if all 6 faces don't meet at the apex point?
Hi Leigh, A true generator must have all it’s termination faces reaching the very tip of the crystal. The crystal must be natural as a cut and polished one is manufactured, rather than growing naturally in that formation. So a polished one simply will not have the underlying energy of a true generator.
Thank you, that's what I thought. What about the rhomboid shaped indentation?
The indentation is where it has grown up beside another crystal and has since separated from it, likely in the mining process.
Hi Anthony,
Could you please help identify if these are doorways? The biggest rectangle has a very deep indentation with lines at the face just like entering a tunnel or gateway.
Top left photo – cluster of small indents
Other photos – deep indentation of the same spot
Thank you so much
Hi Inez, yes I would consider the rectangle openings to be doorways – great find! Sorry for the late reply, I have been away for a while.
Is this a door say or record keeper?
Could you re-send photo please?
And this too! is it anything special?
The bottom has an indent from where a smaller crystal grew along side it – almost certainly the original crystal before being cut and polished was a cascading quartz crystal from either Congo, or Zambia.
oh! interesting! thank you!
Oh! that's interesting to know!
Hello! Can you tell me if mine is a doorway or book keeper? 🙂
Hello! It is a doorway, but also aspects of being a Record Keeper. Most unusual to see, yet alone in a polished crystal 🙂
wow! thats good to know! thank you for sharing your knowledge with us! appreciate that 🙂
Hello there, this looks like a doorway on each termination of this black DT Tibetan Phantom.
It's an amazing crystal, I've mind-blowing experiences already with this ally.
What a stunning crystal – thank you for sharing! Yes it is a doorway, also it has skeletal form – awesome!
I’m trying to determine if this is considered a doorway quartz. There are multiple triangles where one crystal meets another. Any assistance would be appreciated!
Hi Jennifer, while not conventional, my feeling is that yes, it is a doorway crystal 🙂
Hi, can you tell me if this is a record keeper or doorway. This a super 7!
Hi Shola, it is a door way, and possibly also trigonic with the upside down triangles 🙂
Hello, I think I have a cut phantom ameythist doorway crystal. I would like you to take a look and tell me what you think. Thank you so much! I've never seen anything like it.
Hi Mavreen, That is a slice of a Skeletal Amethyst crystal. These crystals grow in layers, each layer can end up being a different color. So when they are sliced, you see the effect as you do with your lovelly example 🙂
I'm not seeing a doorway, but I am seeing a window in a place I have never seen before! That is a very special and unique crystal!!!
I think I might have a doorway quartz…