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Lepidolite Properties and Meaning

Lepidolite is a member of the Silicates family. Lepidolite comes in very beautiful red/pink colors and is super shiny! It often combines with Quartz, Mica and Tourmaline Crystals. Read more about Lepidolite crystal healing properties, complete with galleries and desktop image!

Lepidolite Fast Facts

Lepidolite Physical Properties

Physical Makeup
Variety Of
Common Locations
Brazil, Russia, Africa
Tabular to Prismatic
Colors & Variations
Pink, Violet, Lilac
Perfect In One Direction
Alternative Names
Violet Mica
Index of Refraction
Vitreous to Pearly
Specific Gravity
For Sale @ Majestic Quartz?
Yes, Click HERE to view specimens for sale

Lepidolite Healing Properties and Meaning

Chakra Associations
Subtle Bodies
Mental, Emotional
Zodiac Sign
Planet Association
Positions On Body
Musical Note
Emotional Influence
Relieves Anxiety
Spiritual Gifts
Alignment Of Four Bodies
Diseases Treated
Mental Illness
Nutrients Boosted
Psychological Influence
Inner Strength
Physical Body
Brain, Electromagnetic System

Intuitive Healing – Spiritual Trigger Words & Phrases For Lepidolite

Here at, We like to fully encourage people to use their intuition when it comes to crystals! We believe that every individual is unique, so too is every crystal, thus a unique experience will always occur! Read More
Letting Go
Well Being

Lepidolite Crystal Healing & Properties Information

For what and How Does One Use it?

For the most part Lepidolite is Mica with Lithium, thus has a very calming and soothing influence. It helps align the four Etheric bodies and makes other crystals’ energy accessible/available for use. It is a fantastic integrator of energy! In mineral form it makes for a powerful elixir, and in polished wand, egg or sphere form is a wonderful massage and meditation tool. Having some by the bed is a great way to drop the anxiety and stress and enjoy a beautiful, peaceful yet energizing sleep. Lepidolite is a great stone to have in the nursery with babies as it helps them maintain calmness and serenity.


With all the pressures, stress and chaos modern life brings, it is no surprise Lepidolite is being found in ever larger deposits. Soothing, calming, integration of the chakras and of multiple energies — sign us up for some of that action!


Lepidolite Healing Properties & Meaning Page Video

Lepidolite Crystal Galleries and High Resolution Photo


Lepidolite Properties and Meaning

Lepidolite Polished Point


Lepidolite Properties and Meaning

Lepidolite and Green Tourmaline


Lepidolite Properties and Meaning

Lepidolite Cluster


Lepidolite Properties and Meaning

Lepidolite Crystal

Click the Lepidolite Crystal below for a high resolution photo!

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