Window Quartz Properties and Meaning
These crystals have a straight diamond shaped window on their terminations. If the window is slanted forward, it is deemed a Future Time Link, slanted back is a Past Life Time Link. Read more information and view photos showing Quartz Window crystals below.
General Window Quartz Information
For what and How Does One Use it?
Window Quartz crystals do as their names would suggest, provide you with a window to look into – be that a window on events, emotional responses, or even a window to view information you may be needing to receive at the present time.
As you will see from the example photos below – Window Quartz crystals come in many shapes, flavors and configurations. The window itself – gives one a more in-depth look into these other quartz crystal types talents and gifts.
To use a Window Quartz crystal – sit quietly and meditate with it. Gaze into the window – try not to have any expectations as to what you may see or feel. This provides the crystal with the best chance of showing you what has previously been hidden from your view. These crystals have few peers when it comes to introspective personal self development.
Window Quartz crystals are master assistants for people wishing to delve deeper into clairvoyance, scrying, seeing, psychic readings and divination in general.
Window Quartz specimens are quite rare, though not impossible to find. They are are very multi-talented – fantastic for using in the development of oneself, or in the service of helping others. The photo galleries below showing Window Quartz crystals have been harvested from the archives which contain more than 100,000 photos going back more than 15 years!
Window Quartz Galleries
Tangerine Window quartz Crystal
Window quartz Twin
Smoky Window quartz Crystal
Laser Wand Crystal quartz Crystal
Window quartz Crystal
Smoky Window quartz Crystal
Awesome Window quartz Crystal!
Tibetan Window quartz Crystal
Smoky Window quartz Cluster
Smoky Window quartz Laser Wand Crystal
Citrine Window quartz Crystal
Smoky Citrine Window/Time Link Window quartz Crystal
Cross Window quartz Crystal
Citrine Cathedral Window quartz Crystal
Hi Anthony,
I have already submitted a photo of my crystal with 2 windows, and I truly appreciate your response. Because of that I have been inspecting my other crystals more closely. My eyesight is not that great, and many details have escaped me in the past. I found one double terminated crystal with a window on each end. It is kind of chipped, and I doubt that it would photograph well. Another crystal I inspected actually has 3 windows!! It has 1 diamond shaped window, and 2 future life windows (I originally thought that it was one each past and future, but both are angled upward toward the right.) The system is only allowing me to upload one photo, and I cannot get all 3 windows in one shot as they are evenly spaced around the crystal. I know the 2 window crystals are rare, but how rare are 3 windows. I would love to show you all 3 windows, and if you are interested and want to see them, I can email directly. Posting them in sequence here is cumbersome. Thanks and best regards, Sara
Greetings Sara, thank you for your photo and message. My apologies regarding the ability to only post one photo. I have now added the ability to be able to select more than one photo at a time and I will monitor the process to make sure the server does not get mass spammed by bots! Yes, 3 window crystals are even more rare than the t window types! The ones I have seen mainly come from one particular mine in Madagascar.
Hi Anthony,
It seems the system is still only allowing me to upload one at a time. I will do it just so you can see it. It really is a little gem.
Hi Sara, first of all a big congratulations for getting a photo of such a dainty window – awesome!
I’ve tested the photos out and managed to load several at once.
For Windows computers – Click on the “browse” link, navigate to the folder where the photos are. Hold down the “ctrl” key and click on each image you would like to select.
For Apple Mac – Click on the “browse” link, navigate to the folder where the photos are. Hold down the Command (⌘) key and click on the files you want to select.
For Android Phones – Tap on the “browse” link. Then in gallery, tap and hold each photo until the tick appears.
For Apple Phones – Tap on the “browse” link. While in the Files app, tap “Select” in the top right corner, then tap on each file you want to select.
Hope this helps and works for you in the future!
Here is the third window. I was stunned when I saw that this had 3 windows. I was in awe when I noticed the one with 2 windows, but 3 windows?
Thank you again for your wealth of information. I have no idea where I would have found this information otherwise, but then that is probably the reason I found your blog.
Many thanks for your willingness to share your information.
Sincere regards,
Congratulations on another stellar photo Sara!
Again thank you for the kind comments and feedback. My apologies for the late reply.
I have now fixed all the large photos in each crystals gallery now and have also made it that commenter photos like yours now appear in a lightbox when clicked/tapped on 🙂
Hello! I have a question. Can you say if you see a window in this crystal? The crystal in question is angel aura, around 10 grams.
Thank you for your wonderful blog!
Greetings Aki, Yes this is a Past Time Link Window crystal. Thank you so much for your kind comment 🙂
Hi Anthony,
I have a crystal with two windows. They are situated on either side of one face; one much larger than the other. They appear to be balanced, rather than leaning one direction or another, although the smaller window on the right has a tiny chink out of it. That makes it appear a little slanted at first glance. What is the rarity/significance of two windows on a crystal??
Greetings Sarah, thank you for sharing the photo of your magnificent crystal!
Yes, 2 windows is rare. What I got looking at the photo was the two windows interacting with each other with the following energies/gifts –
Acting as a vision within a vision
One window effectively being a magnification lens type energy to the other bring strong focus on those wee details that really matter!
In one window you see things as they truly are now, and the other window can show both the path and result of where you want to go/be.
The crystal lattice created within the crystal born of the interaction between your consciousness and the crystal will radiate out into the universe from that time forward, manifesting a smoother pathway for your reality to unfold. Enjoy 🙂
Thank you so very much for the information. I find myself just "randomly" picking up crystals and buying them without even examining them closely. I gt them home and start really looking at them, and sometimes I am pleasantly surprised with marvels like this. Thank you again for you enlightening observations. It is truly appreciated.
Hi Sara, you are most welcome 🙂
Hello Anthony, I don't think mine has a window but still wanted to check it with you. Would tou please look at my crystal
Hi Jen, thank you for the question and photo. I’m not seeing a window sorry. It sure is a beautiful crystal!
Comment * I have this Namibian amethyst mini cluster and it has a small window. It was hard to capture in the picture, but it’s on the base of the point on the left above my thumb. It also has a big mobile enhydro bubble. What kind of window would you call this? What kind of spiritual properties would this crystal exude with all of its quirks and features?
thank you,
Tim Sprengelmeyer
Hi Tim, that is a past time link window.
There is so much going on with this crystal. The highlights would be that it is spiritually grounding and has a strong element of purity to it. With the enhydro, you can connect to the purity of the natural earth before pollutants and forever chemicals. Meditating with this in mind can help purify the mind, body and spirit. The Smoky Amethyst is great as often with third eye type crystals, one can lose the information gained through meditation as it often hibernates in the sub conscious, where as the smoky element can help ground that information gained in the general minds conciseness if that makes sense.
Comment * hello is this a window quartz
Hi Irena, this is a very unique crystal. It is not a termination face, as it is too low on the crystal, so in effect, yes it has to be a window – of it’s own bespoke design! Congratulations on having such a unique crystal!
Namasté Anthony,
I wanted to share this photo of what I think is a window citrine quartz crystal. It’s full of rainbows and has a past time link window on an adjacent facet.
Thank You Robert, that is an amazing window!
Namasté Anthony,
I wanted to share this photo of what I think is a window citrine quartz crystal.
Hi! I recently acquired a quartz that has a chevron shaped window. Can you provide any insight? Thanks!
Hi there, that is unique! I’m not really able to help with insight as I have never seen or worked thus subsequently worked with that shape window before.
Picked this up at a grateful dead concert back in the mid 90's. Meditated with this crystal in the past, but I was/am unable to quite my mind. With what is going on in the world at this time I think I need to find out why this crystal found its way to me.
note: I had a hard time getting a good picture of it, the window is 1/2" tall by 3/8" wide.
Now that is a Window Crystal. To think you got it at a rock concert too! A wonderful, wonderful crystal you have there.
Hello! Hope you are well.
I was wondering if these windows are naturally formed or usually artificially cut?
Will both types give the same effect? Or only the naturally formed?
Hi Mel, great question! Yes, they do form naturally. However ones that have been put there on the cut and polished crystals do not have the same properties as the ones that occurred naturally.
Hi Mr Bradford, I'm wondering if there is a way to determine if a window is natural, or artificially sliced? Does it matter (for meditation purposes) whether the window is natural or artificial? Thank you.
A polished face has a very uniform texture with tell tale slightly rolled edges.
Hi, I have a herkimer diamond with multiple windows as well. Any additional information is welcome.
I think I found the photo you attached in our gallery, and have now added it in – hopefully it is the right photo! This crystal is a skeletal quartz, also arguably a fenster crystal. Check out the info for skeletal crystals by clicking here
Does it have to slant forwards or backwards? Mines look like it’s dead center. Thanks
Hi Shae, Thank you for your question and input. The window in your photo is referred to as a straight window. Please find it’s info page linked below.
Thank You again!
I have what was suggested as a “seerers “ stone. Round and frosted on all sides but one. That side is “ sliced” and clear. Looks like clear quartz. Any information would be appreciated.
Thank you
Hi Sharon, thank you for your question. I know exactly the stones you are talking about. The idea is that you gaze into the polished side, and still your mind and letting information pass from the seer stone to either your conscious, or sub-conscious mind. I do not have a lot more information for you sorry, as I have not personally used these tools.
Hello! I have a gorgeous huge Tourmalinated Window Quartz with TWO WINDOWS! Both exactly opposite each other! One is much smaller than the other. Both leaning back. I was wondering the significance of this "double window." There HAS to be SOME OTHER/MORE metaphysical property one would think. Thank you.
Hi Dan,
That is one very significant crystal you have there! The leaning back window crystal is called a Past Time Link Crystal. Click HERE to check the info page out on them. The fact there are two of them likely means they have a dual focus on past life events, like a big and small picture of each event.
Hi, no message came through with your photo sorry. This crystal is a past time link window.