Baby/Barnacle/Teacher Quartz Properties and Meaning
Crystals that have much smaller crystals on the side are known by several names – such as “Babies On The Side”, “Barnacle” and “Teacher” Crystals. These crystals form in most of the different Quartz varieties.
Read more information and view photos showing Baby/Barnacle/Teacher Quartz below.
General Baby/Barnacle/Teacher Quartz Information
For what and How Does One Use it?
Babies on the side, are “Mother” crystals that have multiple smaller crystals “Babies” on the side of it. Where as barnacle crystals have much smaller crystals, often without structured form on the side.
Both types of crystal signify a student teacher scenario. Both have kinds of crystal have much knowledge and information to share. This information can be accessed by using such techniques as meditation, sub conscious assimilation and so on.
These crystals also help one to “find themselves” and separate the inner self from external forces and energies that is in fact outside of oneself – and not part of “the whole”. The smaller barnacle/baby crystals represent external experiences, and the larger crystal represents our self. This helps to get perspective on what is truly important and who we really are, as against how external forces are impinging upon our reality, and are not really a part of who we actually are. This is not to say that the smaller crystals are representing something which does not serve or benefit us, as these experiences whether we perceive them to be good or otherwise are still an important part of our life experience. Well earned lessons that help us to move forward with confidence and surety.
Baby/Barnacle/Teacher Quartzs are readily available. The photo galleries below show many examples of Baby/Barnacle/Teacher Quartz. These images are harvested from the majestic-quartz archives which contain more than 100,000 photos going back more than 15 years!
Majestic Quartz almost always have Baby/Barnacle/Teacher Quartz specimens available, click HERE to search for them.
Click on the Baby/Barnacle/Teacher Quartz photo for a high resolution image!